Testing through the night

testing through the night

  • every night

    Votes: 4 11.8%
  • two or three times a week

    Votes: 7 20.6%
  • never

    Votes: 5 14.7%
  • only if you feel hypo or hyper symptoms when asleep

    Votes: 18 52.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Hi all,

As a parent I routinely test through the night - unless I am fairly sure that levels are stable or Alex is wearing a sensor that is 'spot on' with his pump. So my question to all you adults is: How often do you test through the night.🙂Bev

p.s. I have ticked the 'every night' choice as I always test at midnight as a minimum
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If I feel symptoms of hypo or hyper I will test and also if I have changed my overnight background dose to observe changes.......

I always wake up in the teens so I have given up with changing the dose...lol......:D
I test at least once every night at the moment. I have been doing this since I started trying to get pregnant, during pregnancy and now I am breast feeding. I automatically wake up about 2:30 now even if my levels are fine and Nathan is asleep.
It is a v v rare treat to sleep through the night.
Bev, i ticked 2 -3, but it is probably more like 1-2.

If im basal testing, mainly i check in the night if I had a late meal out an dI have dw going until the early hours, i will set alarm to test im ok. And also, to check it worked or not?
Bev, i ticked 2 -3, but it is probably more like 1-2.

If im basal testing, mainly i check in the night if I had a late meal out an dI have dw going until the early hours, i will set alarm to test im ok. And also, to check it worked or not?

Thanks Tracey - the problem is that the poll only allowed me to do 4 options so I tried to cover all options....:D🙂Bev
I clicked the last one, but that's not quite right either. I test if Carol goes to bed with an unusual reading.
I ticked 'Never' because so far I havent had to test K in the night, meaning after she has gone to bed. Couple of occassions she has tested low at bedtime and she has staid up (past midnight once)until we are happy with the reading.
only when I get the feeling, but more than did before i was pregnant, its loads now.
I test J every night before I go to bed which is around 11.30pm. I also test him at 2 AM if he has had a hypo late in the day or a bad hypo at all during the day or is unwell or has been playing lots of sport. That means I get up nearly every night at 2AM!!!! No wonder I've got such dark rings under my eyes!!
C 🙂
I have been testing every night at the moment and I wake up automatically around 2.30 or 3.00. I have been told that my BI is still a bit high and to test to see that I am not having a hypo and that is why BGS could be hight in the mornings .
I have been testing every night at the moment and I wake up automatically around 2.30 or 3.00. I have been told that my BI is still a bit high and to test to see that I am not having a hypo and that is why BGS could be hight in the mornings .

And how are you getting on with that, are you going low....?
And how are you getting on with that, are you going low....?

I had 1 low 3.7 no the 8.11.10 and droped BI FROM 19 TO 18 WAS FINE UNTILL 13.11.10 IT WAS 3.9 SO DROPED bi to 17 but had high BG last night at 10.00 BG 10.9 and at 3.00 BG11.9 at 8.00 BGs 10.4 This drives you round the bend.:(
I'll test at night if I've been hypo or low before bed, just to check that my treatment of the hypo has worked OK. I also test (sometimes have to force myself!) if I wake during the night, just in case it's because I'm hypo.

p.s. it is possible to have more than 4 options for a poll. The default is 4 but you can change it when you set up the poll 🙂
I test my daughter depending on her bedtime result. Also last week when she had a real low during the day (2.9) and it was still only 4 at teatime I checked her a few times.
I chose never. If i wake up hypo i dont check because it's very obvious I need sugar. I have only done a night time basal test a couple of times during the night.
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