Testing Strips

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Does anyone know if you can buy Contour blood testing strips over the counter. I usually buy mine from ebay but I have inavertently ran out of them and I won't feel happy if I can't test for a few days.:(
Not totally sure but a friend of mine who is T2 regularly sends her husband down the chemist (i think) to buy 50 strips for ?25!!
Not sure either i've always got mine in script, can you not ring contour and ask ?
Or ring your local pharmacy/ies to ask? They won't be as cheap as eBay, lol I've been watching a few!!

you can buy anything but does not mean that they have got in stock maybe you have to go and visit few pharmacy
Probably worth phoning a few first. If they are not in stock they should be able to get them for tomorrow morning. I think most have a deadline (for ordering) of 16:00.
Thanks for replies. Yes they are very expensive but my doctor doesn't prescribe strips if you are diet alone. I don't know why because I think it is even more important to test if you are not on medication. I could be merrily going along eating all sorts of things that send my blood sugar up and not know until I have my next check up (which is not for 6 months). My nurse says there is no need to test because it would just cause worry, I would worry more if I couldn't test. I usually use ebay but this time I have run out because I mistakenly ordered the wrong strips and with the postal strike I don't know how long it will take for my new strips to arrive.
It's a shame you are not friendly with a type 1 who has the same test strips.
Nudges and winks. If you get my drift and all that.
I dont think any diabetic should be paying for these.
My pharmacy sold m test strips once when I ran out and he decuted the vat,he did try to persuade me to get a script.
You may get a better deal online especailly if you can order a larger quantity.
Hi sebstar
Yes you can buy the contour strips 50 for ?25, i had to buy some once when i ran out, i managed to get my GP to increase my script to 2 boxes instead of one.
I told my doctor i needed to test as i was trying different foods and different foods spikes my sugars which is true and i agree with you i worrie if i can't test too......I only test when i don't feel 100%
Have a word with your nurse to see if you can alter their decission.
if you can't.... let me talk to her...i can be very persuasive :D
Try Tesco, Cheapest place I got strips from.
Managed to get 100 contour strips off ebay for ?30 but of course have to wait for them to be delivered which could take longer with the postal strike. I bought a couple of packs of accu chek striips from Boots for ?7 each but there are only 17 in a pack. How much did you pay for the strips from Tesco. I suppose I should try harder to get them from Docs but I'm not a very pushy person and to be quite honest we shouldn't have to fight for them.😡
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