Testing strip availability

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Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
We are new to this game. Husband newly diagnosed T1 and already the pharmacy can’t get the testing strips for the meter given to him by the hospital 10 days ago (made by 4Sure). Fortunately GP surgery have supplied a back up meter for which there is apparently no problem getting strips (Finetest Lite), though we wait to see on that one as only 10 strips came with the kit. It seems a good idea to have a back up meter in case of techy failure, batttery problem, loss, dog eating it, etc etc, but is the testing strip problem likely to be ongoing?
I’ve never heard of that meter @Pandy8 TBH, the one my GP gave me was rubbish, but the ones I got from the hospital team have been a lot better. You could contact the meter manufacturer and ask, or ask in the pharmacy.

I too have two different meters, one I bought myself and got the GP to prescribe strips for. I find that works best for me.
I ensure I have two meter but I always ensure the meters take the same strips as strips has best before dates and it is recommended to always use the same meter because they can be slightly out from each other (they only have to be accurate to within 15%).

I have never heard of 4Sure or Finetest meters so do not know about strip availability.
My meter is a Freestyle meter and never had any problem getting strips.
I was originally given a Nexus Gluco Rx by the nurse at the GP surgery and test strips for it on prescription. Then the consultant wanted me to have a Caresens Duo so that I could test for ketones as well....although still not been prescribed blood ketone strips for it. Doh! Will be addressing that at next appointment. Then our DAFNE course group were all gifted a Contour Next One meter kit which I rather liked because it is small and slim but couldn't get strips prescribed, then my Caresens was eating batteries like there was no tomorrow so I rang the customer support and they sent me another meter bit in the mean time the nurse stopped the strips for my Nexus, although I still have a sealed pot of strips left for that which may still be in date. I also have a Libre reader which can act as a BG meter but I don't have any test strips for that.
So in the almost 3 years since I have been diagnosed, I have acquired 5 test meters, all of which work but I can only get strips for the Caresens on prescription.
Thankfully having the Libre system means that I use very few test strips these days.
We are new to this game. Husband newly diagnosed T1 and already the pharmacy can’t get the testing strips for the meter given to him by the hospital 10 days ago (made by 4Sure). Fortunately GP surgery have supplied a back up meter for which there is apparently no problem getting strips (Finetest Lite), though we wait to see on that one as only 10 strips came with the kit. It seems a good idea to have a back up meter in case of techy failure, batttery problem, loss, dog eating it, etc etc, but is the testing strip problem likely to be ongoing?

Had this happen before, pharmacy says difficulties with supplier so take prescription elsewhere no issues at all, so try another pharmacy you might get lucky.
Thanks for your replies everyone. I do feel slightly “aarghhh!”, why do they mostly need different strips?! I have spoken to lots of other local pharmacies re supplies for the 4Sure meter - ready to get prescription put back on spine and be dispensed elsewhere if anyone had supplies, but unfortunately no luck. However, still on order -so we hope will arrive eventually. But what a palaver. I feel the collection of meters growing.
Thanks for your replies everyone. I do feel slightly “aarghhh!”, why do they mostly need different strips?! I have spoken to lots of other local pharmacies re supplies for the 4Sure meter - ready to get prescription put back on spine and be dispensed elsewhere if anyone had supplies, but unfortunately no luck. However, still on order -so we hope will arrive eventually. But what a palaver. I feel the collection of meters growing.
That is one of the ways manufacturers make their money, like printer cartridges. Also not all machines made by the same maker,take the same strips.
We are new to this game. Husband newly diagnosed T1 and already the pharmacy can’t get the testing strips for the meter given to him by the hospital 10 days ago (made by 4Sure). Fortunately GP surgery have supplied a back up meter for which there is apparently no problem getting strips (Finetest Lite), though we wait to see on that one as only 10 strips came with the kit. It seems a good idea to have a back up meter in case of techy failure, batttery problem, loss, dog eating it, etc etc, but is the testing strip problem likely to be ongoing?
Brexit Bonus ?
Thanks for your replies everyone. I do feel slightly “aarghhh!”, why do they mostly need different strips?! I have spoken to lots of other local pharmacies re supplies for the 4Sure meter - ready to get prescription put back on spine and be dispensed elsewhere if anyone had supplies, but unfortunately no luck. However, still on order -so we hope will arrive eventually. But what a palaver. I feel the collection of meters growing.
If it looks like an ongoing problem it might be worth buying a inexpensive monitor with the cheapest strips around like the GlucoNavil from Amazon (I know not as cheap as free on prescription) Monitor about £15 strips £8 for 50. It might give you peace of mind as strips would usually be delivered next day.
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