Testing meter range question

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1

I downloaded my contour usb figures and charged her up today, I try and do it monthly at least. Well today I properly-ish went through it all and produced those monthly reports.

It appears I test pretty much 174 times a month apart from one month when I tested 201 times! I am generally happy with things, sometimes a bit low but hey that's me! So I guess I would like to get better control, not sure if I can or if it would be detremental, i.e. a lot of work and make me think about nothing but the D as apposed to living with it just get me depressed etc etc.

My weekly summary doesn't show too much to me. The % in and out of range is interesting though, and I'm thinking that is how I can try and reign this in a wee bit. The range is set at 4.0 - 9.0, I'm generally 3% under range, but 16-23% above range. So I'm thinking of changing the range to 4.0 - 8.0 or maybe 8.5, so if I start to see the out of range figure increase a lot more I will be more careful it may take a few months but if I stick to it I will eventually try harder to understand things, and maybe live a healthier life?

Don't get me wrong I is 'appy just been thinking about getting into the 5.x hba1c club (currently 6.4) and not getting too complacent.

So guys / gals what do you think?

Many thanks you kind people,

Rossi 🙂
I've always had my range set to between 4 and 7. Most of the ones 'above range' are when I test before/after going for a run, when I hope to see them above 7 anyway. I test about the same number of times a month as you Rossi - around 5-6 tests a day.
hey, Sounds like it might be worth a try as you willl be more focused on reducing the high over range ones and it will definately lower your Hba1c so win win really..

My Usb is set to 3.9 - 8.0 I get a bit freaked out if my bm goes above 8 (sad I know) lol :D
Excellent idea rossi.

My gf has been graphing my results and she's got a shaded area between 5 and 10 and the lows far outweigh the highs at the mo.

We too are aiming to 'smooth' out the extremes. Envious of your HbA1c though ! :D

hey my HbA1c twinnie !!...sound like you doing pretty well ...your not getting the huge swings ...all that digging the veg ! ( have you got any vines on the go ...vino rossi ??)
ps by gp said that my ^.4 was perfect
Thanks for comments people.

I'm more than happy with 6.4 but if I can slightly improve it shouldn't I?

I don't mean to make any of you think you should all aim for 5's we are all different etc etc! sorry if I upset anyone!

PS No vines yet AM but yes they are in the grand plan!! :D
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