Testing for keytones

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
If your blood sugar is high(mines now hit 25) how often should you test for keytones dont have any at the moment. sorry if this seems a basic question but need to know
I think it takes an hour for anything to show up in your urine, I was on ten and tested glucose in urine and nothing there but an hour later strip was dark brown,. i assume it is the same with ketones... probably the same if your testing them in your blood as well. :confused:
If your blood sugar is high(mines now hit 25) how often should you test for keytones dont have any at the moment. sorry if this seems a basic question but need to know

gail those are high levels what are you generally ?
Since the 1st of feb its been anything between 11.6 and 25 . My fault as was on 150 units of insulin a day but due to something i did they stopped my insulin and are reintroducing it slowly am now on 40 units a day. Have to see GP everyweek and he increaseing it by so much every time. Whats getting me is i have constant thush now am on tablets for that but it just seems to cut it down not stop it completly. And i could wee for England. I know its my own fault
ok maybe you can try and follow a t2 Diet ie moderation in everything it might help your BS aswell... do you exercise ?
as for the thrush eat plenty of yoghurt plain .... to try and help.
ok maybe you can try and follow a t2 Diet ie moderation in everything it might help your BS aswell... do you exercise ?
as for the thrush eat plenty of yoghurt plain .... to try and help.

i am very careful about wot i eat. I exercise as much as i can i swim 3 times a week and i push bike everywhere. Will try the yogurt thing never heard of that before Thanks :D
i am very careful about wot i eat. I exercise as much as i can i swim 3 times a week and i push bike everywhere. Will try the yogurt thing never heard of that before Thanks :D

sounds like you're doing all the right things to help you ...im off now out but im sure some of the others will carry on helping you gail xxx
I was told by my dsn that should your blood glucose levels be over 16 for a pre-longed period, then it is very likely you will be producing ketones. Keep a eye on things, ketones can lead to a more dangerous ketoacidosis very quickly.
Those levels are high.
Swimming is a great way to reduce your sugar levels. Any kind of exercise should be encouraged for diabetics.You do need to have a certain amount of control first though. Whenever i swim i always need an energy drink or chocolate bar beforehand - but then i'm keeping low levels most of the time, so be careful of this till you get better control. Strange thing is if your insulin dose isn't right then exercise can lead to higher levels in the short-term.

Next time you see the gp he/she needs to give you a better idea what insulin levels you require. The sooner you identify this, the easier your control will become. By adjusting your insulin a little bit each day/mealtime you'll find out what's working for you. I'm type 1 so it's a lot easier for me than you. Sounds like you're on a mixture of diabetes medications which can't be so easy.

I really hope things start to improve quickly for you and i'm sure others with far more knowledge than me will offer advice.
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We are told that you cant exercise if over 16mmols - we used to let Alex swim if he was high - but every time he came out in the high 20's!

Exercise is good for levels - but not when your starting point is too high to begin with.🙂Bev
You don't have to test for ketones if you are a type 2... I know when I had some test strips a few years ago, I tested when I was high (it was about 19 I think) and it showed no ketones.. I asked the Dr at one of my 6monthly check ups and he said Type 2's don't have to worry about ketones.
You don't have to test for ketones if you are a type 2... I know when I had some test strips a few years ago, I tested when I was high (it was about 19 I think) and it showed no ketones.. I asked the Dr at one of my 6monthly check ups and he said Type 2's don't have to worry about ketones.

That's true unless you are on insulin squidge. If you're injecting insulin then you may not have enough in your system to cope with the ketones, especially if you are ill. If your pancreas is producing its own insulin, then ketones are unlikely to be a problem.
That's true unless you are on insulin squidge. If you're injecting insulin then you may not have enough in your system to cope with the ketones, especially if you are ill. If your pancreas is producing its own insulin, then ketones are unlikely to be a problem.

I am on insulin and tablets Northener and the dr still told me not to worry...
I know we are all different, but most of us seem to have the same advice on ketone testing.

It was explained to me that as type 2s we still have some function in our pancreas, so some insulin is released. This stops the build up of ketones, so we don't need to test. I was also adised if my levels were horribly high or I was worried, I was to get medical help soon, wether from my GP or go to A&E.
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