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Testing BG after overindulgence


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
At risk of diabetes
I haven't actually got to this point as yet, I was too scared to even have a bag of crisps until the other day o_O

But...I'm hearing different things from different groups/T2 friends and people in general on when to test after you know that you've over done it (for whatever reason)

Do you test after 2hrs or do you give yourself some leeway and test after 3 or just not even bother at all?
I don't bother. I just test on waking the following day as normal and I'm always back to where I usually am. It's 31st today but I only have 28 days' data on the spreadsheet where I log my carbs. I scrubbed the other 3 days as I'd lost track, because we ate out for example.
For me testing helps me to see my diabetes and make genuine, sensible, informed decisions going forward, so I want to know how those treat foods are impacting my levels on an even playing field with the everyday sensible ones. That way I can assess if they were worthwhile for the occasional enjoyment vs not worthwhile for the health impact. If things are really bad at the 2 hour point, I can use that info to discourage me from eating that again or making it a very rare treat, whereas if you drop it back to 3 hours you are basically trying to kid yourself in my opinion and that may lead you to have that treat more frequently, which can become a slippery slope.
Maybe it is different for me because I am Type 1 and my own body cannot bring those high levels back down so I have to jab insulin to deal with it, but I have found seeing those high levels keeps me on the straight and narrow much better, so I use high readings as motivation to avoid those foods or decide if they really are worthwhile.
Yes, an extra hour of being high after a splurge will not do you any real damage on a very occasional basis but I think there is an element of not being honest with yourself in doing this.

It very much depends on your mental outlook. How easily you can let things slip if you don't maintain your focus. I know I am an all or nothing person and I have to guard against the slippery slope so if I step on it I need a sharp reminder to step back off it again. You may be different. If it is something like a piece of cake on your birthday, then maybe don't test at all if it is only going to be a once a year thing, but if it is then going to become a child's birthday or your partner's birthday and your auntie's birthday cake and a colleagues etc.... it maybe worth knowing what all those cakes are doing to you, so you can decide.

I bargain with myself that I can have a scone or whatever if I go for a long walk straight afterwards, so I walk it off as my levels are rising if I really want that treat.
I have a CGM so I can see the impact of extra carbs immediately. At the moment I am only on basal insulin and it takes me hours and hours to get back to baseline!
I take days off occasionally, when I'm getting too stressed about measuring and eating carbs become scary. I don't overdo it, but I relax a bit. It helps me keep on track with the overall results, rather than get stressed about each individual measurement.
If I know I have overindulged there is no point in testing, unless I really want to know how much impact that huge piece of bread has on my BG (done it once, never to be repeated lol). It can serve as a deterrent, but it can also increase anxiety and have the opposite effect.
I always try to measure at the 2 hour point but it can be difficult at times dependent on where I am or what I have to do post my meal. I did test st 1hr 50 min today and came up with a 9.0 after lunch which really surprised me and I think I need to ease back on my low carb roles a bit.
I like to know how different foods affect my BG, so when trying a new meal I will test BG level immediately before eating, to get a base point, eat my meal, then test around 2hrs after having the first bite (not 2hrs after finishing the meal, as some meals can take 30-60 mins to eat, eg: a nice Greek meze with several small courses!). That way I know if my BG has gone up and by how much. Ideally up no more than 2 but 3 is ok. If a meal spikes my BG then I either don't eat it, or only on rare occasions as a treat, or try to alter it so there is less carb. Just my 2c worth, cheers