Testing Alcohol...White Wine and stomach issues.

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Since being diagnosed in Jan 2017 with Type 2, I have taken every opportunity to test myself to see the effect of different foods, drinks, etc on my BG levels. Whilst I love being drunk I can easily do without it. Recently though, I decided to test with different alcohol to see where I stand. I can see the effects of alcohol quite clearly during a night out. I make sure that I eat something 'carby' like a few chips or a bit of pizza when I start drinking and I test myself throughout the night and next morning. I think I've got the hang of it. However, I got drunk on white wine the other weekend and my stomach was horrendous for the few days afterwards. This didn't happen when I drank red wine, or a few beers. Has anyone else had this happen? I drank half a bottle of white again the other night and the same thing happened to a lesser degree, but my stomach is still a bit dodgy. I think it's the Metformin. Anyone know why? And don't worry I do the whole drinking thing in moderation. It's important to have fun once in a while though, hey!
What did you eat with your white wine? If that was high carbohydrate and / or could there be an element of food poisoning? Was wine sweet (relatively high carbohydrate) or dry (lower CHO)?
Both times I drank different wine, but one was a Sauvignon Blanc. I ate small bits of carbs, like fries, and a bit of pizza to balance the lowering of the BG from the alcohol. It's not food poisoning, as it's happened both times (2 weeks apart) I drank white wine, but not with other alcohol.
Yeah i mean the metformin is a good shout I take it and thought it wasn't a good idea to drink while on it . Maybe you are getting a build up of lactic acid
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