Test your coke

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I couldn't find the thread this was discussed in previously, so started this one.
At Frankie and Bennies on the way home last night, I had diet coke (large draught) and my wife had 'full fat' coke (also draught). Full fat coke comes with a slice of lemon, diet doesn't. Decide to try my USB Contour, on the drinks. Small drop of diet coke on table and dip in test strip. Meter reads - seek medical advice immediately (meter read <0.6). New strip and drop of normal coke - Meters reads 3.1. Good enough for me.
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looks like they got it all the wrong way round ...if you want a DiDkA leaflet pm me ...
So are you telling me you can as a rough perhaps inaccurate unscientifically proven roundabout way that you can use your test strips in a similar fashion to the bayer bayer sogoodtheynamedthemselvestwice Diastix?? Amazing
looks like they got it all the wrong way round ...if you want a DiDkA leaflet pm me ...

Don't know where you got that idea from? It was exactly right no sugar in the diet coke. They have a very good system of identification.
So are you telling me you can as a rough perhaps inaccurate unscientifically proven roundabout way that you can use your test strips in a similar fashion to the bayer bayer sogoodtheynamedthemselvestwice Diastix?? Amazing

Works for me. It was time for my pills and injection and I was in Glasgow, 1.5hrs from home, so was forced to have the potato Skins followed by the Stacker Burger with fries and onion rings - the things we have to put up with 😉🙄 so we can drive.
Don't know where you got that idea from? It was exactly right no sugar in the diet coke. They have a very good system of identification.

I thought the same as am - I assumed the 'seek medical advice immediately' was a high reading, and the diet coke got 3.1. I dunno, my logic is weird 😛
Sorry, my fault the reading was <0.6. Guess that will improve my averages.
I was with the others - I thought seek medical advice was indicating a monster high sugar reading... 🙂
I've just inserted the <0.6 in the original post to avoid further confusion! 🙂


p.s. Although it makes the later posters look a bit daft! Sorry!!
Could it be worth doing a bit of research on this front, to know what the readings should be for diet and non diet, as if you only ordered diet drink would you be confident that a 3.1 reading meant full fat?? I might look into this!
excellent - some independent scientific research!
Could it be worth doing a bit of research on this front, to know what the readings should be for diet and non diet, as if you only ordered diet drink would you be confident that a 3.1 reading meant full fat?? I might look into this!

If you re-read my post, I had diet coke, my wife had normal coke. Mine read <0.6, hers read 3.1.
It's something I've done at home previously on other diet/normal drinks
Vic I understood your post but am just saying I would want to see a bunch of readings to be confident that it "works" before using it out and about. Where your other readings at home similar to these???


Sorry, must be a diabetes problem (misreading the meaning), as well as the increased typo levels.
Yes I am happy that it works, I don't fancy dipping a test strip in my drink however, hence the drip on the table (not the drip at the table you understand).
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