Test strips on EBay

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Does make me mad that so many Type2's are not allowed test strips on prescription (or are limited to the absolute minimum) and you have other people selling theirs on Ebay and making a profit 😡
Yup its maddening i guess its supply and demand so many are not allowed them on scritp so i guess sellers on ebay know this and try to sell them, mind you i know some on here have bought strips off ebay and the strips have been fine so at least there not getting conned that way .
Yeah I have had a box off there and they were fine and was going to buy another box when I saw the photo the guy had obviously had them on prescription and was selling them on cos you can see the chemist prescription label still on the box! Well if he would rather make a quick tenner than test himself thats his loss I guess 🙄
I'm fairly certain this practice would be against ebay rules and possibly illegal. Is it worth reporting these sellers to ebay to see what they do about it.
I'm fairly certain this practice would be against ebay rules and possibly illegal. Is it worth reporting these sellers to ebay to see what they do about it.

Id agree maybe someone should report them, I didnt realise you meant they had the label from the pharmacy on , surely this is not allowed.
It might be illegal - but by complaining you may remove a source of cheap strips from those who dont get them prescribed (I am very fortunate in that I seem to get as many as I want).
It might be illegal - but by complaining you may remove a source of cheap strips from those who dont get them prescribed (I am very fortunate in that I seem to get as many as I want).

That is true :( I have a friend whose OH doesn't use his strips (complete denial, wont test or follow diet) and when I mentioned I had to buy mine off Ebay, next time I saw her she said he was going to sell his on Ebay. I thought she was joking but obviously people do do that!
It might be illegal - but by complaining you may remove a source of cheap strips from those who dont get them prescribed (I am very fortunate in that I seem to get as many as I want).

Thats a very good point Sandy,I guess its a case of all the sellers of the strips aint acting this way, and i would hate to think by complaning we were removing sellers from ebay and preventing those who dont get strips on script from getting something thats vital to them
That's a good point about removing the source of cheap test strips. I've just done a quick search on Accu-Chek Aviva strips for completed bids. They all seem to sell for around the same price and the ones that I looked at appear to be from private sellers with the odd box for sale. So it's difficult to determine which lots are from legitimate sources.
I got diastix (or weestix) from Amazon, so presumably you can get test strips from there too.

Personally I wouldn't knock a source of cheap testing strips if you can't get them on prescription. Sometimes things are a bit dodgy, but it is a chance you take with most things.
Definitely don't think anyone should report people selling the strips on ebay if it wasn't for them I wouldn't be able to afford to buy as many as I do. I have never had any that had a prescription label on. Some people are lucky to have doctors who prescribe lots of strips so even though they are still testing they have spare tubs.
Yup its maddening i guess its supply and demand so many are not allowed them on scritp so i guess sellers on ebay know this and try to sell them, mind you i know some on here have bought strips off ebay and the strips have been fine so at least there not getting conned that way .

I agree, if they weren't available on eBay, I couldn't afford enough for my needs. Even being a rusty old Russian tank isn't sufficient reason for my PCT to change it's stance and prescribe them until I go on insulin.
In an ideal world, every diabetic would have as many strips as they needed, regardless of what type they were. Sadly Candide was wrong.
I have bought several boxes of strips and lancets on Ebay. Without them being available on Ebay I would not have started testing.
At my next DN appointment I was then able to show her my BG results over the past few weeks and how well things have improved.
I then asked for strips and lancets on repeat prescription. To which I was told yes and I now get them on repeat.
To remove them from Ebay would deprive other people from testing.
Plus if diabetics are not using them themselves, what are they going to with them? Chuck them in the bin?
That would be a complete waste.
I buy all my strips off ebay, usually much cheaper but couple of weeks ago did buy some very cheap and when they came they were still in date but stillhad pharmacy label still stuck on,
Unfortunately we don't live in an ideal world.
If we did, the people selling on ebay would tell their GP that they don't need as many test strips as they are being prescribed. This would allow the GP / NHS more funds to prescribe to those that really need them.
I've not looked too closely at the sellers on ebay but my bet would be that there are the same sellers on there selling a box every month or so.
I cant belive this tread people should not have to buy there test stripps etc. Im t2 and i get all mine on prescpision if i want anything to do with my dibeties i just ask him and he has no problems with it at all. Out of curosity how much do they sell for (dont worry not thinking of flogging mine) Mine are onetouch ultra. i have a few as i have to test two times a day. if antone really stuck for this type i can pass some on if it helps no charge of course, maybe i shouldt say that i dont know but to have to pay for them makes my blood boil
I've only looked at Accu-Chek Aviva and they appear to be going for around ?10 for a box of fifty. I think that's about half of the normal retail price.
I agree, it's ridiculous that anyone should have to pay for test strips.
I'm one of the lucky ones that doesn't have any problem getting them on prescription.
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