test strip restriction

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hey all, just found out that my monthly prescription has been cut to 150 strips instead of 300,
Im used to testing quite often as i have had a hard time of it all lately 🙄 Its going to be quite strange having to restrict the amount I test (approx 5 tests a day it works out)..... I think in the long run it might be better for my overall control if im not testing all the time, as I will probably spot trends better:confused: Well thats my theory anyway!lol

any advice about when I should test now? Should I just stick to before each meal and forget the post meal ones?

This is so annoying lol ive always just tested when I wanted to 😱
have a chat to your doctor or care team to talk about your concerns, and see what they say. Keeping a diary for a couple of weeks might help you prove your case a bit better.

SOrry can't off any other suggestins, good luck with it.
It might be an idea to have a word with your Dr and ask why the change - I suspect funding issues.

I may be getting confused but if you have not long had baby and are breast feeding your BMs will not have settled down yet, until the do I think the Dr should reconsider their decision. If you drive then you are meant to test before driving so that could add to the number of strips you need.

I know that there is a debate as to how much you should test - but with the changes that you are dealing with you could do without any extra.
I kicked up a bit of a fuss when I was prescribed 50 strips to last me 2 months I think it was!

I now get 200 every time I get my prescription in which lasts me quite a while.

My doctor thought it was outrageous that I tested so much but at the end of the day, if you want control, you have to test. No two ways about it really
50 tests for 2 MONTHS?!? Sounds like your GP kinda 'forgot' you were T1 for a moment there!
i have been told exactly the same thing. It is due to the test strips being very expensive aparently.

i probably test 6-7 times a day as i like to have total control of my sugars, doing more than 4 injections a day if required.

all my Hba1c tests have been between 6-7 for the last 6 years and my doctor has told me to lighten up on the testing and let them go a bit high. (which i will never do) as im too perfect with it.
Sorry Steffie, I'm not suggesting for a moment that it is.

If I had my way anyone diagnosed with Diabetes should have access to as many strips as they need to improve their control and/or monitor their condition in the way that they wish to.

I am painfully aware though that for many T2s getting any strips at all is an enormous battle. There are a ridiculous number of HCPs who have been misled into believing that it is either not necessary, or actually causes problems - well either misled... or are choosing to believe that because it is easier on their practice budgets :(

If testing's not necessary for T2s the pre-meal and post-meal bg targets make no sense. You won't get that information from an HbA1c!

I know T1s generally have it easy as far as test strips are concerned, but I'm sure I read somewhere that there's a guideline of at least testing before each meal (3x31 x2 = 186), not to mention the DVLA/driving requirements & hypo checks.
Sorry Steffie, I'm not suggesting for a moment that it is.

If I had my way anyone diagnosed with Diabetes should have access to as many strips as they need to improve their control and/or monitor their condition in the way that they wish to.

I am painfully aware though that for many T2s getting any strips at all is an enormous battle. There are a ridiculous number of HCPs who have been misled into believing that it is either not necessary, or actually causes problems - well either misled... or are choosing to believe that because it is easier on their practice budgets :(

If testing's not necessary for T2s the pre-meal and post-meal bg targets make no sense. You won't get that information from an HbA1c!

I know T1s generally have it easy as far as test strips are concerned, but I'm sure I read somewhere that there's a guideline of at least testing before each meal (3x31 x2 = 186), not to mention the DVLA/driving requirements & hypo checks.

Hi sorry every I was not being off or anything i was just meaning that Laura was not the only one being told she had to manage on the same amount x

DVLA/driving requirements & hypo checks.?

what are these?

DVLA says that you must test every time you drive, and I think you have to be above 5 to be considered okay to drive. If it's a long drive you're supposed to stop every 2 hours to test too.

I presume hypo checks are what it says on the tin: checking if you feel hypo!
You need to inform the DVLA when diagnosed with T1 or if T2 is treated with meds (assuming your team told you this). They will then keep in contact with your GP/care team and assess your safety to drive (you get issued with a driving licence that only lasts a few years).

Additionally DVLA advice for T1 diabetics is that they should check BG before getting behind the wheel, and test at 2-hourly intervals if on a long journey.

I'm not sure if there is a legal requirement, or what would happen if you were involved in a collision and it was proved that you were hypo at the time (which would be extremely hard to do of course) but I suspect it would not be good news.
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It is due to the test strips being very expensive aparently.

But why are they so expensive? I am curious if there is anyone here who works for a drug company and can tell me if it really costs that much to produce strips or how it works with the pricing.
I just joined a new surgery and gave in my repeat prescription to the nurse so i could get all my meds put on their system, found that despite my old repeat having 200 strips, the new prescription has only 50. Wonder if it's a default thing? So I asked for them to put it back up, so shall see if it has been done when i next order.

I suggets you speak to them and find out why they have reduced it and explain why you use the strips that you do. As long as you are using them and making chnages based on the results then there shouldn't be a problem.
I suggets you speak to them and find out why they have reduced it and explain why you use the strips that you do. As long as you are using them and making chnages based on the results then there shouldn't be a problem.

Im not too bothered, i was thinking of putting my repeat in every 3 weekly see if they notice lol

supposed to be getting put forward for a pump, so I guess ill be needing to test more when that happens!🙄
You need to inform the DVLA when diagnosed with T1 or if T2 is treated with meds (assuming your team told you this). They will then keep in contact with your GP/care team and assess your safety to drive (you get issued with a driving licence that only lasts a few years).

Additionally DVLA advice for T1 diabetics is that they should check BG before getting behind the wheel, and test at 2-hourly intervals if on a long journey.

I'm not sure if there is a legal requirement, or what would happen if you were involved in a collision and it was proved that you were hypo at the time (which would be extremely hard to do of course) but I suspect it would not be good news.

This has been covered a number of times. Anyone on insulin should test every 2 hours when driving (T1/T2 is irrelevant). You can be charged with driving under the influence of drugs if your accident is caused by a hypo (especially if you tested and then drove at less than 4mmol).
I too have to restict my testing as i only have 50 to last me a month. What i do is test twice a day but alternate weeks ie one week i will test before breakfast and always 2 hours post-meal in the evenings although sometimes it's hard to stick to just 2 a day as it depends if you have something different to eat then you will of course want to test afterwards to see if it is worth eating again.
Im not too bothered, i was thinking of putting my repeat in every 3 weekly see if they notice lol

supposed to be getting put forward for a pump, so I guess ill be needing to test more when that happens!🙄

OOoooOOooo how exciting re the pump. Good luck I hope you get it. You'll probably find yourself testing more anyway then 🙄

This test strips nuisance is a nightmare though. I had a wobbly recently due to one thing and another (shan't bore about it now 🙄) but due to lack of strips. I didn't realise it was such a common problem though. It is terrible whichever way you look at it for everyone concerned T1, T2 etc etc, i just can't help but think its all about money!

I'm excited for you though with the pump....thats good news as some find that a nightmare to get as well. Why is nothing ever straight forward hey!

Bernie xx 🙂
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