Test results

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
About 3 weeks ago, at new diagnosis, I had an FBG level of 9mmol/l. Since then, I have been (almost) rigorous about controlling my diet and taking exercise. I am now 13lb lighter and my clothes are getting loose! So far so good.

I had some more bloods taken a week ago and the results are now in. My FBG was 6.4mmol/l and my HbA1c (this is the first one I've had) was 7.1%.

Two questions. First, what's a decent FBG for a diabetic exercising good control? Second, as the HbA1c is a "looking back" kind of test, and most of what's it's looking back at is my pre-diagnosis levels, is this likely to drop further next time round when it will be "looking back" at a period of time fully encompassing my lifestyle changes?
About 3 weeks ago, at new diagnosis, I had an FBG level of 9mmol/l. Since then, I have been (almost) rigorous about controlling my diet and taking exercise. I am now 13lb lighter and my clothes are getting loose! So far so good.

I had some more bloods taken a week ago and the results are now in. My FBG was 6.4mmol/l and my HbA1c (this is the first one I've had) was 7.1%.

Two questions. First, what's a decent FBG for a diabetic exercising good control? Second, as the HbA1c is a "looking back" kind of test, and most of what's it's looking back at is my pre-diagnosis levels, is this likely to drop further next time round when it will be "looking back" at a period of time fully encompassing my lifestyle changes?

Dear Cliff,

I'd say a fasting figure of 6.4mmol/L is pretty good - I take it that you are not taking any diabetes meds. And yes, if you keep up the good work your next HbA1c will be even better. I shoot for fasting of 6.0mmol/L and HbA1c less than 6% and after 15+ years I'm still diet only, so my advice as to what is good is these figures!

Warmest Regards Dodger
Nice work cliff on shifting that weight!

Yes you are completly correct the hba1c is last 2-3 months so if you keep behaving it will improve, by not having your pre-diagnosis as part of it!

What's a decent FBG, thats kinds an open question I'd say! So long as you are improving your chances of better control and understanding then you're doing well, don't get sucked into the numbers game (just my opinion!) but anything in the range surely would be good, which I forget but think is 4-6.5% so yes you're doing well sir, but bare in mind the numbers are text book (i.e. not totally real world but mathematical formula/test results/statistics), some of us may run naturally at higher levels so may never get down into this range consistently, maybe? Just my thoughts I don't mean to give the opinion that you shouldn't care about numbers or try and get your hba1c lower:D
Dear Cliff,

I'd say a fasting figure of 6.4mmol/L is pretty good - I take it that you are not taking any diabetes meds. And yes, if you keep up the good work your next HbA1c will be even better. I shoot for fasting of 6.0mmol/L and HbA1c less than 6% and after 15+ years I'm still diet only, so my advice as to what is good is these figures!

Warmest Regards Dodger
Hi Cliff,

I'm fully in agreement with Dodger on what he says here - exactly the numbers that I'd have quoted.

These days my fasting level hardly ever goes above 6.0 and my last two HbA1c results have been 5.3%. My HbA1c used to be 9.4% at it's highest but I'd be very unhappy for it to ever go over 6% ever again. Certainly, I'll be doing whatever I can to stop it doing that!

Best wishes - John
good figures r.e hbA well done Cliff and the weight loss well done to
Cliff, well done on reducing everything!! You're doing really well there!!

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