Test results

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1

Hope everyone is keeping well, havent been around much recently as been busy chasing around after the kids due to the school holidays.

Got my test results from when I attended the hospital over a month ago and the good news is that Im producing insulin, so as a result they are going to try me out on the tablets alongside the iinsulin initially and then if things continue they will take me off the insulin and just replace with the tablets.

Im happy and apprehensive at the same time. I feel a bit more in control with the insulin but suppose I need to be positive that at least Im producing insulin.

On the downside though this week been condined indoors as doc thinks I may have contracted the dreaded flu bug as I had flu like syptoms on Tyesday. Morst likely to be the case as 3 of my work colleagues sent home with suspected flu and then one confirmed as having it. I also had a hypo at work on Tuesday at work, sugars down at 3 and my new boss went into a right panic and no first aiders in the building. Thankfully I was calm enough myself to deal with it

Anyone Ill hopefully get back into posting, and hope to catch up on all Ive missed

That's good news, but I guess it isn't as simple as all that!

Hope you get over the bug soon,

Good luck.
good luck on the new regime Ally 🙂 Ive been on Tamiflu and sick with Swine flu so I know how you feel :( I hope you start to feel better soon . let us all know how it goes with the new meds . Hellooooo btw , I'm not sure If Ive spoken to you before or not :confused:
Hi Ally, always good to have some 'homegrown' insulin! I suspect that I have some residual production which would account for my levels being generally pretty good - I'm guessing that the way it works is, if my levels go too high my pancreas kicks out a bit of insulin and brings them down a little so I don't get the awful peaks that many people report. Not enough for me to stop injecting though by a long way, but every little helps!

Hope things go well for you on the new regime🙂
hi thats good news nice to see you about ally

good luck with new regime x
Thats great news! Well done. Perhaps all this wizzing about after the kids has encouraged your pancreas to make a contribution?! God knows! Great all the same.

Happy holidays x
Hi Ally,

Great news..Hope the new regime works...Hope you shift the bug soon

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