Test Results...After A Fashion

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Got my test results today......After a fashion.
My Dsn phoned the house and spoke to my wife instead of the phoning the number, I had phoned, and given the surgery this morning. Breakdown in communication possibly?
(I was given a new phone at work today so the old number was no use).
Any hoo, the message relayed was, his cholestorol is spot on, the blood suger count is marginally higher than last year but still within limits so, still ok, no meds, diet and exercise status quo to be maintained, blood pressure was well within acceptable levels considering the exercise taken before the test.
To say I was gobsmacked is an understatement 😱
I don't know how I got such a good report, my only concern is that I have no numbers to compare against the last check.
Before I found this all out, I had phoned the surgery at approx, 3 O'clock, hoping to speak to the Nurse (my main concern was that I had missed her and wanted to be able to ask questions about the numbers if (more like when) they were reported bad.
I got the snotty receptionist, speech, " the Nurse doesn't make reports to patients, we do" (receptionists). She then contradicted herself by telling me that "everything was fine and the Nurse would phone me tomorrow".
So I get home and tell my wife, and she says that DSN has already phoned, she then proceeds with the message she was given. :confused:
Confused or what??? I'm almost afraid to phone for clarification incase I get the dragon lady again. (my temper, when given the run around is known to get loose occasionally, and I can't afford to alienate my principal care team)
W hiskey T ango F oxtrot is the politest way I can think of to put it. (I apologise if I have offended anyone).
Still the bottom line is nothing is as bad as I had thought it was (thank you, pick/insert your diety)
Wonder if I could ask for the numbers the next time I visit? 😛
Hey Jimbo all sounds great a pleasent surprise diabetes wise for once, hay northey did a great poem about receptionists they seem to be the bain of our lives, there doctors in disguise trying to be above there station.Seems out of order that they spoke to your wife no offence to her but if it was me and they rang my other half he would forget all she said and id end up ringing back myself.Not very professional eh
that's great news Jimbo!

I know you were worried about your results, but that sounds like cause to celebrate!!

I do believe that a drs surgery is made by the receptionists....and some just fail on that part...ah well, I suppose we can't have it all!!
Hey Jimbo all sounds great a pleasent surprise diabetes wise for once, hay northey did a great poem about receptionists they seem to be the bain of our lives, there doctors in disguise trying to be above there station.Seems out of order that they spoke to your wife no offence to her but if it was me and they rang my other half he would forget all she said and id end up ringing back myself.Not very professional eh

that's great news Jimbo!

I know you were worried about your results, but that sounds like cause to celebrate!!

I do believe that a drs surgery is made by the receptionists....and some just fail on that part...ah well, I suppose we can't have it all!!

To say that I was unamused by the receptionists attitude is to put it exxxxtreeeeemly politely. 😛
But overall, after a fashion, so to speak, :D:D I am ......relieved (procrastinating, again!) 😉
Good to hear that the results were good, if indeterminate! Definitely ask for the numbers when you next see GP - as far as I know they aren't allowed to withhold that data from you (although receptionists might have different powers!). When I had my diabetes education course, one of the sections was 'Know Your Numbers' - so you should get them, be brave and stand up to the dragon! 🙂

Here's the poem Steffie mentioned, The Rude Receptionists:


Question is have you actually given your surgery permission to disguss your medical detail with your wife?

The receptionist...

Just got to know how to handle them, phrases like are you medically quailifed to determine if I need to see a doctor or not? or I'm not going to disguss my symptons with a none medically qualified persons...

But glad to hear that you did well, and better than you thought well done.

P.S just phone the receptionist and ask her to read your results out for you, if she protests ask her to phone you back using the contact number on your medical records..
Hi Jimbo

Congratulations on your good results - even if you don't know how good 🙂

In any case of unacceptable behaviour by receptionists, a complaint to practice manager is in order. Breaking confidence by giving results to someone other than the competent adult patient to whom they refer is completely unacceptable!
Sounds like there was a time lag between you giving your new phone number and being updated eg it's possible that sheets had already been printed out with original phone number to go with new results. But, that doesn't excuse giving results to someone who clearly wasn't Jimbo.
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