Test advice please

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Craig helliwell

New Member
Hi, I've been ill for 8 years with chronic tiredness, brain fog, excessive thirst/ urinating and urinating. I have had lots of tests for Diabetes that came back normal. I finally asked for a fasting glocouse tolerance test. This involved fasting for 12 hrs. Then in the morning I had a blood test. I then drank a quantity of glocouse whent away for an hour. On returned to the surgery an hour later I began to fall asleep in the waiting room, by the time I got in to see the nurse to have the second blood taken I was shaking and unable to talk. The nurse had to get a doctor who gave ma a cup of tea and some biscuits. Did I hav a hypo? I thought I had at last found the reason for my ill health. But once again the test came back normal. Does anyone know what is going on with me?
Many thanks Craig.
Many things produce similar symptoms. I know a number of people who have thyroid problems who get the same or similar symptoms so it is worth getting that checked out too .Don't know much about it, but it MIGHT also be chronic fatigue. DO keep talking to your doctor , I'm sure you will get results and treatment and feel better soon rather than just speculation
If you felt shaking after drinking glucose, it wasn't a hypo. Hypoglycaemia in diabetes is caused by too much insulin, not glucose.

There are other conditions like thyroid. And my husband gets like that with no food.

Fortunately it doesn't sound like diabetes.
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