Tesco's - Robert Wiseman Milk - Purple Top

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Sainsbury's own brand 1% milk (orange cap & label) is also ?1 for a 4 pints / 2.272 litres bottle. It went down to 75p for a while not long back.
co-op are doing 2 for ?2.50 on their posh juices and 3 for ?2.50 on their 'from concentrate' juices :D
The 2 litres of 1% milk is also ?1 (and often cheaper) in Asda. Do remember it's not quite 4 pints though, so Sainsbury's is the best vfm!!

oops i was thinking this was the thread about all the food offers :D
insurance quote!

Thanks Sharpwaa
Apart from lacking in bagpipes... Answers to your questions:
Very close to our neighbours - we're a middle one of row of four houses, but immediate neighbours are noisier than us due to their masses of children (permanent residents on one side, including 1 noise teenager who plays noisy music with heavy bass notes and doesn't hear his own alarm at 5am; visiting grandchildren on the other) and animals (yappy dog, lofts pigeons & cats who are never neutered on one side, but other side have quieter pigeons and a huge ancient tortoise who is usually pretty quiet, although can be pretty determined when it wants to upturn a plant pot).
Old boots - lots of boots & activity shoes for all purposes , all still in use. Tin cans - go in recycling bin immediately. Rotting veggies - go to our compost bin to help use grow more veggies.
Re Cairngorms - coldest night was sleeping in back of a Transit van with 2 other nordic ski club members, having insulated metal base with flattened cardboard boxes and Karrimats (before I upgraded to a Thermarest), wishing there were more of us to keep warm together, staying in the pub as long as possible to keep warm before retiring to van.

Now, back to cheap low fat milk!
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