Tesco offering diabetes testing at the store

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I noticed a TV advert today offering to test people at Tesco for Diabetes as so many under 40 seem to be getting it. It made me look around at the people I know, colleagues, friends and family. There are quite a few I suspect like myself have it and dont know.

I have one friend, who is only 30, he loves sweet foods, his nickname is 3 trifle Tony (his name isnt Tony) He is about 5ft 6 and 21 stone, he as far as I know he hasnt been tested, his brother also similar weight and an inch shorter than him. I love them both dearly, and in my head wonder whether to suggest getting tested while there is this offer, but it would probably offend them.

There are many others, colleagues etc all obese and sedentary, I do talk about my diagnosis if they ask me how I am doing, and say if it wasn't for the random blood test I would be walking around without any awareness of the potential health time bomb inside me.

I just wonder if you can be morbidly obese and not diabetic, the opposite of how I previously thought about life. It may just be because of what happened to me that its made me more aware of lifestyle and I am no one to judge but I worry about the younger ones who may be potentially stacking up health problems already
It’s a conundrum, not all obese people have Type 2 diabetes and not all Type 2 diabetics are overweight. I’m sure your friends know that they’re unhealthy and obese, and probably deep down it upsets them and they know they need to do something, but they need to do something about it themselves. In my experience, the more someone is nagged, the more they’ll do the opposite. I wonder if Tesco have any leaflets in store regarding this? If so, do you have a staff room or notice board you could stick some in? Then it’s there for all your colleagues to see rather than individuals being “picked out”. I understand your frustration, I really do, but imagine if someone had mentioned it to you pre your own diagnosis? How would you have felt?
It’s a conundrum, not all obese people have Type 2 diabetes and not all Type 2 diabetics are overweight. I’m sure your friends know that they’re unhealthy and obese, and probably deep down it upsets them and they know they need to do something, but they need to do something about it themselves. In my experience, the more someone is nagged, the more they’ll do the opposite. I wonder if Tesco have any leaflets in store regarding this? If so, do you have a staff room or notice board you could stick some in? Then it’s there for all your colleagues to see rather than individuals being “picked out”. I understand your frustration, I really do, but imagine if someone had mentioned it to you pre your own diagnosis? How would you have felt?
I wont say anything, and the 2 I mention are my nephews rather than colleagues, who I love dearly, I wouldn't want to upset them by saying anything so wont but I don't want them to get unwell either. Also I wish someone had suggested I may have been diabetic myself but I guess I don't know if at the time I would have been offended. It is indeed a hard one
Yes, a lot of people are overweight/obese and insulin resistant but don't develop diabetes. Some of us are unlucky to have beta cells that stop working. :-(

I know someone who developed T2 when they were slim and in their thirties, with absolutely nothing wrong with any of their lipids or anything else.

I did actually have a GP friend who kept telling me to lose weight as T2 runs in the family... (Dad, Granddad, etc.)
Yes, a lot of people are overweight/obese and insulin resistant but don't develop diabetes. Some of us are unlucky to have beta cells that stop working. :-(

I know someone who developed T2 when they were slim and in their thirties, with absolutely nothing wrong with any of their lipids or anything else.

I did actually have a GP friend who kept telling me to lose weight as T2 runs in the family... (Dad, Granddad, etc.)
It is odd who it affects, as although obese I wasnt as big as a lot of other people. I stored it around the middle, I think it was that and my love of carb heavy food, who knows, its a lottery I guess, I am the first person in my family to have it as well, so not genetic, maybe it was the covid jab that was the final push, On the plus side (pun intended), I would have just got fatter and fatter if not diagnosed so its good in a perverse way 🙂
Also my GP told me that I shouldnt blame myself for the condition as there is some view that it's not being overweight that caused it, but the disease causing the weight gain and hunger, carb craving itself.
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