Terms of reference & FAQ

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1

Just an idea but thought it might be useful to setup a helpful 'sticky' for those that are newly diagnosed consisting of a Terms of reference and an FAQ.

We use a lot of acronyms and technical terms on the site (eg BG, MDI, Basal Bolus, HbA1c, etc).

Also maybe answer some of the Frequently Asked Questions that those who have just been diagnosed tend to ask.

Like I said just an idea.

This is a really good idea :D I still get confused sometimes :D
Brilliant idea niVZ , northe can it be done?
That's a really great idea. I'll gladly help out.
Brilliant idea niVZ , northe can it be done?

I know it was Kati/Admin's intention to provide a 'Glossary' as we agreed some time ago that this would be useful. I'm hoping that she will be in a position soon to come back and 'revamp' the structure of the site - it's not my site, so I don't really want to interfere with the flow of things without her consent.

'Stickies' are also a little awkward. They are very useful at times, but can impact the site if they become too numerous and permanent, so I try to keep them to a minimum and relatively temporary. Having said that, I think a sticky in the Newbies section might be appropriate, so any suggestions of what to iclude would be most welcome!🙂
In the meantime, it's useful if people use the word in full or explain it at first use, then use abbreviations after that - eg talk about Multi Dose Insulin (MDI) initially, then MDI, or basal (long acting) insulin and bolus (short acting) insulin, then basal bolus regime. There is a link to explain HbA1c, third word from right of top navigation bar, which begins Home at the left.
ahh ty copepod ive often wondered what MDI is
Agreed, MDI (whatever it means) is confusing - I prefer to say basal bolus regime (which I explained in #6), as that says what it does, using 2 types of insulin at different times each day. But, the more important point is to explain any technical term you use, the first time in a post or thread that it is used.
Just a suggestion we have separte boards for off subject, sports, recipes, parents etc. Perhaps we can have a separate board for allthe accronyms and abreviations? And maybe when admin comes back a board for pumpers?
Yes good idea to have those things explained.

And HURRAH!! Now I know what basal bolus means!! (I know I could've asked, but as it appears that it won't affect me, I didn't bother!)

also a idea may be , if we had where it says edit delete at the bottom of thread and posts they could be a thanks option you click on it and it shows the person you have said thanks .
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