Tens machine

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
hi all

I’ve been given a tens machine for my muscle spasms. I have to leave it on for at hour, at least once a day.

My question is, on the leaflet it says not to use if you have a pacemaker and done use it near an iPhone because it can interfere with the electric field.

What about the pump? I can’t unplug my pump for an hour each time I use the machine (unless I’m doing exercise, even being unplugged half an hour raises my sugars).

Does this mean I can’t use the tens? I’d rather be in pain than give up my pump. But I also don’t know if they are just being over cautious. And they never said anything about the pump (they know I’m on the pump as I’ve mentioned loads of times).
Sorry I have no idea, but I'd be inclined to get in touch with the pump manufacturer and ask them.
Sorry I have no idea either. I found my Tens machine was a godsend when I had chronic Sciatica. I really hope you can use it with your pump and it helps you as much as mine helped me.
Hi Amberzak ~ I wish I could help you but can't I'm sorry to say ~ tho I think I'd go along with @Lucy Honeychurch idea and contact the Manufacturer. I use a tens machine and have often kept it on all day when my back is being really really naughty:( Anyway good luck
Don’t worry, Amberzac. The Tens machine is nothing more than an electric current, and DC at that. You’d have more worries standing by a microwave oven or an induction hob, or using a mobile phone. Just don’t apply the pads in a line directly across the insertion point of the pump in your skin.

So just use it as the directions say, and you should have no problems.
I should add, the fears about interference are highly over rated. My electric wheelchair instructions warn against using a mobile phone in case of interference. Aye, right:D
I work with Electricity every day & unfortunately get the odd "Belt". I would not recommend it but about 10mins after a 240v blast it feels as if it charges you up. Makes you jump 😱 Does not effect my pump 😉
Thanks. I’ve been using it and no problems so far. It’s helped with my pain too.
Good news. I’m glad it’s helping you and not causing any probs with your pump.
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