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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 3c
Who else has to fight temptation not to eat the jelly babies?
I keep a bag in my car, bedroom, living room and my office and I love jelly babies!
I know not to eat them unless my sugar levels drop. This evening my sugars dropped to 3.9 so out came the jelly babies! I only had three but oh the taste!!
Who else has to fight temptation not to eat the jelly babies?
I keep a bag in my car, bedroom, living room and my office and I love jelly babies!
I know not to eat them unless my sugar levels drop. This evening my sugars dropped to 3.9 so out came the jelly babies! I only had three but oh the taste!!
As someone who used to guzzle any sweets by the bagful and the only time to stop was when the bag was empty, I find it surprisingly easy not to eat them now. I have had a whole outlook change since diagnosis and now view them as medicine so I only take them as and when I need to..... apart from the occasional half square of dark chocolate which is definitely treat and not medicine 🙄 . I portion my JBs into small hypo treatment portions and 2 is usually the max I need to fix a hypo otherwise I end up hyper. If I was 3.9. I could only get away with 1 JB otherwise levels would swing the other way. I have to say, the green JBs are definitely more like medicine than the black or red ones. 😉

If you feel you are at risk of depleting your emergency rations then maybe you should switch to Dextrose tablets like LIft which you are less tempted by because they more closely resemble medication ie large tablets.
Like @grovesy i do not treat hypos with something yummy. I use GlucoTabs (now called Lift). Not only am I not tempted, I also know no one else will be tempted when I am not hypo and when I am hypo no one thinks I am rudely eating sweets without offering them around.
Jelly babies to me are a necessary evil. I’m not keen on them really. Unlike Barbara green ones are my “favourite”, I would have to be dying to eat a black one!
Kendal mint cake is my hypo treatment of choice. I cut it into 15 grm squares and not tempted at all to overindulge as it’s very sweet and over the years I’ve lost my taste for sugar.
Jelly babies to me are a necessary evil. I’m not keen on them really. Unlike Barbara green ones are my “favourite”, I would have to be dying to eat a black one!
Kendal mint cake is my hypo treatment of choice. I cut it into 15 grm squares and not tempted at all to overindulge as it’s very sweet and over the years I’ve lost my taste for sugar.
Oh kendal mint, yum! that is easy to over treat.

I don't care for sweets at all, I am glad chocolate is too slow as a fix, I could eat that all day
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