Temp basals and increments?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Hello all

Okay, here's the question. I think we've kind of answered it before, but time and again I just wonder...so something definitive maybe?

Our Medtronic can dose in .05 unit increments. That's it.

So, when we do temp basals and mess around with percentages, what happens?!

We have been assuming that the pump can only dispense in .05 units...so the temp basals round up or down to the nearest .05 increment...However, having rung Medtronic to check, they said that the basal rounds *down* to the nearest .05 or .025....


Does anyone know the answer to this?

Ciao for now.

You can look on the pump and see what is happening, took me a while to realise I could do this.

Have a play around.

Take a note of the basal that is on right now. Then put on a temp basal of say 50%. If you go to the normal blank screen and press the escape button you go back to the info screen. At the top it will say something like temp basal 50% for 30 mins and then it will give you the actual amount it is giving. ie if the normal basal is say 1.0 unit, it will show 0.50 unit.

So when Jessica is on only .35 basal and I need a temp put on, I guess and then go back to the info screen and take a look. My maths is appalling and I don't work it out in my head. I know that 50% will be 0.15 so I go to 20% and see what that will do. Some do nothing ie 90% will keep it at .35

Hope that helps.
Aahhh, this makes SO much sense. Okay, will check this.

(Here we sit with yet more insulin increases, hence the messing with temps -- after a 20% increase just 10 days ago...we are again upping things by 20%. Oh the joys of adolescence...)
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