Telling the kids

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I posted a while ago about what people thought about children knowing about diabetes. As a teacher, it's quite relevant to me!

Armed with all your lovely, positive feedback I braced myself and went for it! Yesterday morning me and my class spent half an hour discussing various medical problems (some more medical than others 😛) culminating in a quite in depth discussion about my diabetes. I asked them what, if anything, they already knew and there was a range, some knew a surprising amount and some knew nothing at all. I explained to them the basic concept and showed them my blood testing kit, explained about injecting with food and also explained that sometimes in class I might need to drink lucozade and eat digestives. They were brilliant: they all participated, listened to everything I said and seemed to understand the importance of me talking to them about it. And for me, it's so nice to be able to start a school year feeling like I can do what I need to when I need to 🙂
Brilliant, well chuffed for you. Proof that kids can be good!:D
Well done!

I'm glad you had a good reaction with your class.

Are you going to do plot a blood glucose chart on the wall like you said you might?
well done munjeeta glad you got a good reaction from the children x
Wow that is fantastic, how liberating for you it must be. I think a chart on the wall might be good. The more people that know about diabetes and what its about is great. You never know but what you told your class one of them could potentially save someones life in years to come. Some knowledge is better than none. Great stuff.🙂
Excellent Munjeeta! So pleased the class all joined in and were interested - could be some budding scientists amongst them, you never know!🙂 What ages are they?
Hi Munjeeta,

Thats brilliant news ... :D .. well done and a big gold star for the children

Well done!

Glad the kids received it well - pity some adults don't. I am still amazed how so many people are so naive - but there again I didn't take that much interest until a couple of years ago when I suddenly had to. So pleased it will make you more relaxed at work. 🙂
Sounds like a brilliant idea have you thought about carrying it on each year with each class would definately help more people to know about the condition. Do you teach primary or secondary school children out of interest?
That made me smile 🙂 That's fantastic, it's great that you're educating them and that you got such a good resoponse.
Well done!

I'm glad you had a good reaction with your class.

Are you going to do plot a blood glucose chart on the wall like you said you might?

Yeah... I've been thinking of ways to incorporate it into lessons - lends itself especially well to maths and data handling so will try! Not sure on a wall chart though... Although it might be an incentive to get my blood sugars in range!

Excellent Munjeeta! So pleased the class all joined in and were interested - could be some budding scientists amongst them, you never know!🙂 What ages are they?

They're 10 and 11, the age I was when I was diagnosed funnily enough. So quite old enough to know and understand I think.

Sounds like a brilliant idea have you thought about carrying it on each year with each class would definately help more people to know about the condition. Do you teach primary or secondary school children out of interest?

I teach primary, year 6. And yes, now I've got over my fears will definitely do it each year!
Well done Jeeta, i'm glad it went so well 🙂 Hopefully you will be more confident about testing and treating hypos in front of your class now!
Thats brilliant, I think kids can be alot more accepting than adults, and they don't already think they know all about diabetes.
Yeah... I've been thinking of ways to incorporate it into lessons - lends itself especially well to maths and data handling so will try! Not sure on a wall chart though... Although it might be an incentive to get my blood sugars in range!

That was my intention. :D

Just an idea...

I wonder if any of the parents on this forum might be interested in asking their young one to write a paragraph or two about their diabetes that your class could have read out to them? It may help them to understand from someone of their age what it is like to have Type 1 diabetes?
Brilliant news Munjeeta , I'm so glad it went well for you !! What a relief that must be :D:D
That was my intention. :D

Just an idea...

I wonder if any of the parents on this forum might be interested in asking their young one to write a paragraph or two about their diabetes that your class could have read out to them? It may help them to understand from someone of their age what it is like to have Type 1 diabetes?

What an excellent idea tez!🙂
That's great Munjeeta. One of my old teachers was diabetic. I remember one of my friends telling me that he looked pissed in a lesson and having to tell him that it was almost certainly a hypo. If only he'd explained about diabetes to each class he taught.

That was my intention. :D

Just an idea...

I wonder if any of the parents on this forum might be interested in asking their young one to write a paragraph or two about their diabetes that your class could have read out to them? It may help them to understand from someone of their age what it is like to have Type 1 diabetes?

Yeah... Wow! What a great idea! I guess Alex is around their age, maybe I should get onto Bev :D If any parents are interested that'd be wonderful.
Sounds like a great success. Well done. As well as meaning they won't be surprised by you doing the odd blood test, it will also mean they will be quite happy to tell you if they have any problems they need help with at any time. Congratulations -to you and your class! 😉

Out of interest, what ages are the children? Have you taught them before or is this your first year with this class?
Sounds like a great success. Well done. As well as meaning they won't be surprised by you doing the odd blood test, it will also mean they will be quite happy to tell you if they have any problems they need help with at any time. Congratulations -to you and your class! 😉

Out of interest, what ages are the children? Have you taught them before or is this your first year with this class?

Yeah, it's definitely a weight off my shoulders! They're year 6, so 10 turning 11. And yes, it's my first year with them as my class. I had a few issues whe I first started teaching with my head telling me not to tell my class. It's taken me a while to work up the confidence to do it!
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