Telling new partners

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi all,

This might seem like a weird question but how do new partners usually react when you tell them you got diabetes. I was diagnosed when I was with my first boyfriend but we broke up a while ago and so I've never really had this experience before. I'm kinda worried it will put people off when they hear as they won't know what it is and they will think I have some disease or something!!!
Hi - i think it def depends on the person. id only been with my bf 6 weeks when i was rushed into hospital on diagnosis - cue greasy hair, hospital gown, catheter (very sexy :() and no bath for a week. He gave me a big cuddle and hasnt stopped for 3yrs.

Its an old line but if they cant deal with it or react badly they arent worth it x

There are plenty out there who will just accept it as part of you - and then nag you to bring you supplies out with you 🙂
Hi all,

I can't remember what I told my ex. Was rather p*ssed when I met her and probably told her then. Not until the next time I saw her did she find out what that meant for me. Though I found it very easy to tell her what I need to to and what it does to me.

Tom H
Lol, I'm guessing that if you know someone before you go out with them, they're going to be aware of the diabetes, and let's face it - it's only diabetes, you're not going to spontaneously combust!! Like Viki found, there are good guys out there - but if diabetes is a reason for not getting together, then they weren't worth your time in the first place.

i find it really easy to do. diabeties isn't an unusual thing these days and most of the people i know have a relitive or friend with it. As was said earlier if they go weird about it they aint worth it but just be prepared for many question.
My girlfriend of 6 months is very supportive about it all, even to the point of no sex if i stop keepin my diary.

go ahead and do it you'll never know until you give it a try!!!!!
Not a problem telling any new partner since I am married. When I told friends, a few of them reacted so badly I decided they were not worth having as friends.

It's a judgement call, and any one who reacts badly is not worth knowing...
Any new partner is getting a package - and you're getting the whole package of them. I think my partner (met a couple of years of diagnosis, and we've been together nearly 10 years) was impressed by the plus sides - own tents (he told a friend about that, who told me), own kayak (which I'd built myself - he'd bought his), driving licence & car (he still hasn't learned), good map reader etc, and he's barely mentioned diabetes (apart from getting some sugar free squash after he'd seen some at my house). In fact, first "date" was an evening kayak trip on local river, followed by pasta & sauce at his house, which was perfect. By the end of the summer we had paddled the Caledonian Canal with his dad and 3 other friends, plus lots of orienteering, hiking, cycling etc. Can't remember when I told him, though.
I had only been with my bf (now fiance and soon to be husband) for a couple of months when i was diagnosed and rushed to hospital like you viki. We are much stronger for it and now he sits there with me trying to carb count and gets up in the night when I have a really bad hypo to get me a coke and a biscuit. I'm sure most partners will be understanding if they're worth it.
I'm sure most partners will be understanding if they're worth it.


This is probably a bit oblivious but because I've had diabetes since I was 2 its normal for me and my friends accept it as normal so its like I sometimes forget that its not 'normal' for most people (if you understand what I'm trying to say as dont think I'm putting it very well) so I didn't actually tell my boyfriend- we were on a 2nd or 3rd 'date' with a group of friends and I forgot and just got my finger pricker out and did a test (on my knee not as a big thing) anyway the poor boy went absolutely green and excused himslef to the loo for ten minutes. Turns out he was rather squemish....

....but thankfully not easily put off! We carried on seeing each other, he eventually stopped going green everytime I went rummaging in my bag and we're getting married now.:D
It's like many things we take as normal. We tend to forget not everyone is the same.
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