telling familly and friends

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
hi i'm having a big problem telling my family and close friends i have diabetes , i feel embarrassed about it when i try to tell them but i cannot think why as i can accept it , has anyone else had the same problem ? i would like to share your thoughts
Hi Lewis yup its a hard one, I actually told my other halves family before mine, I dont know why as my dad lives with a type 1 but i almost thought he would be dissapointed in me,I think sometimes it is better to just come out with it i mean after all what is the worse that can happen apart from all the fussing over you and millions of questions lol.Are one of your parents more easier to approach then the other?? I have to admit some of my freinds have decided they dont want to know me but hey i dont give a jot about them they were not real mates in the first place if they could turn my back on me cause of D.Whatever you decide good luck.
I do sometimes find it a bit awkward telling new people that I meet that I have diabetes, I often don't say anything and just let them see me testing or injecting and then they usually ask if I am diabetic. I do find it a very hard thing to just say to people and like you I'm not sure why.

Have you possibly had any negative reactions which makes you nervous about telling people? Have you had diabetes for a long time or newly diagnosed?
Hi Lewis, don't be afraid to let people know you have diabetes. It's not something you should feel ashamed or embarrassed about - it's not your fault, but it is something that you will need to pay close attention to and this will be helped if those around you who love and care for you know what challenges you face.

Unfortunately, the media paints a very negative picture of diabetes, insinuating that it is down to poor diet and lifestyle choices, and this is why many people feel embarrased or guilty about their diagnosis. There are far more people who lead dreadfully unhealthy lives who don't get diabetes, and you don't have to lead an unhealthy life to get it.

Once you have it out in the open you can educate people about diabetes, and I think you will discover that many diabetics lead far healthier lives than their non-diabetic friends and relatives.
steff has made a good point my father has type 2 and i think the 'disappointment' could be part of my problem as both my parent are very approachable people ,and two of my friends mothers are also type 2 so i guess it all adds up
hi i'm having a big problem telling my family and close friends i have diabetes , i feel embarrassed about it when i try to tell them but i cannot think why as i can accept it , has anyone else had the same problem ? i would like to share your thoughts

Hi and welcome.

I didn't say anything to family and friends at first. People can be afraid of something they don't understand so you need to arm yourself with the answers.

I'm sorry you feel embarrassed. It's nothing to be ashamed about. Your body is just a little different from some other peoples because it has a resistance to insulin which makes it harder to unlock and use the energy from the glucose in you blood.

Perhaps if you explain it like that to others they won't be so scared. Diabetes is not contagious.

Hope that helps.
steff has made a good point my father has type 2 and i think the 'disappointment' could be part of my problem as both my parent are very approachable people ,and two of my friends mothers are also type 2 so i guess it all adds up

Id approach it the other way then Lewis he has diabetes himself and im sure he will/has gone through similier things, maybe speak to your dad alone take him for a pint i dont know if you have that kind of relationship but it could be a way in so to speak.Im sure once you have let them know it will come as such a relief to you .
I didn't have a problem telling my parents, I just came out with it, likewise I have never had a problem telling anyone...its nothing to be ashamed of..
Totally understand how you might find it hard. Telling my mother was a bit tricky. She is nearly 80 and watched my father suffer from type 2 for years so it was inevitable she was going to get upset. Work colleagues was another problem. I told a couple who I am closer to and they were great, and on Monday I told the office gossip (on purpose :D) and as I was off work today, I dare say everyone will know by the time I go back tomorrow so it will have saved me the bother🙂
hi i'm having a big problem telling my family and close friends i have diabetes , i feel embarrassed about it when i try to tell them but i cannot think why as i can accept it , has anyone else had the same problem ? i would like to share your thoughts

why embarassed is not an STI and make sure that nobody say to you "" oh yes is your bad lifestyle or is all the junk food "this is what people relate diabetes with so make sure that nobody sais that or GGRRRRRRRR!!!😛
Hi Lewis

sorry you are having trouble telling the family and friends. Are you worried that they might be too sympathetic and cause you to become overcome with emotion, and it is that reaction that you are afraid of? Or maybe you are worried that you won't have all the answers - none of us do.

Try not to worry too much - once its done its done and worrying won't help your BMs. I expect that their reaction won't be as scary as you think. Ask yourself what is the worst that can happen, take a deep breath and tell them.

Good luck
hi i'm having a big problem telling my family and close friends i have diabetes , i feel embarrassed about it when i try to tell them but i cannot think why as i can accept it , has anyone else had the same problem ? i would like to share your thoughts

i found telling my family lifted a weight of my shoulders we were all in tears but it was a relief as i hadnt been myself for a while and now there and me had a explaintion i am quite a shy people {really lol} so after nearly 10 years i still find it hard to tell new good luck whatever your desicion
hi i'm having a big problem telling my family and close friends i have diabetes , i feel embarrassed about it when i try to tell them but i cannot think why as i can accept it , has anyone else had the same problem ? i would like to share your thoughts

I told hubby and son who accepted this is what had happened. I put off telling my mother for as long as possible because she blames me for everything. By the time she found out I'd told everyone else and she was almost the last to know.

I think it depends on you and how much information you want to give people, although it might help to tell those you are closest too as it could help avoid you being in a position of having to refuse somethng then explin why.
Lewis I just wanted to ask you do you have the first year type 2 diabetes by Gretchen becker they is a section in there covers tellings people around you , it may give you some helpful can find the book at amazon for about ?8-?10.
Also it will be really helpful for you full stop it is a great book many of us type 2s have it and really found it useful.
Here it is on this link.
hi i'm having a big problem telling my family and close friends i have diabetes , i feel embarrassed about it when i try to tell them but i cannot think why as i can accept it , has anyone else had the same problem ? i would like to share your thoughts
I'm recently diagnosed type 2 and I hadn't even considered that it might be thought embarrassing to some people. :~(

You can only be who you are (if that doesn't sound too zen) so take a deep breath and resolve to tell someone every day until you've at least covered your family & friends.

Personally, I have far more trouble/embarrassment with talking about my Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

hi the ethical and thank you , i like the line 'you can only be who you are ' it's very true , ironically i too have sufferred from irritable bowl and yet i would freely mention it with out a thought ,
"so, how u been?" "Fine, was a bit ill tho" "Really?" "Yeah, Diabetes" "Bummer"

Yeah, what i really struggle with is telling people i haven't seen in a while. For example, do the girls at work who were off on maternity leave at the time know? There's a friend on facebook who i haven't spoken to in two years, have other friends told her?
The hardest was by old drinking buddy from London, the idea that i couldn't spend all night in a pub drinking but not eating ever again scared me but generally everybody is ok. Some people will offer you well meaning but either a) useless or b) incorrect advice. Some people will tell you that they're sympathetic coz they're at a risk of getting diabetes (and you may have to resist the use of strong language or physical violence) or have an elderly relative who has diabetes.
Most bizzare reaction so far: naming no names...
"Don't worry, you'll be fine. You'll feel so much better soon. You'll be so much healthier, this'll be the making of you!"
Seriously, this is diabetes....not a makeover...i'm still waiting for euphoria i've been promised to kick in, and i'm still not a size 12, even after a year and a half...:D

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