Teenagers shunning drugs for healthier lifestyle

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Teenagers in England are shunning drink and drugs for a cleaner lifestyle, say health officials.

A survey of 6,500 children aged between 11 and 15 showed the numbers taking drugs, smoking and drinking alcohol had all fallen over the past decade.

The NHS Health and Social Care Information Centre figures found 17% had tried drugs at least once in 2011, compared with 29% in 2001.

The team said youngsters appeared to be living increasingly healthy lifestyles.


Good news! 🙂
That really is good news....i rmr school and loads of pepole were taking and smoking all sorts and always rmr lots of peer preasure...because they all thought it was cool....a few pepole i new are now mentally shot away and some even died through drugs...very sad...but this is good news as a parent to two beautifull girls i want the best for them especially at school 🙂
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