• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.



Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Not a question, just wanted to 'talk' about feeling a bit lost this morning due to the technology involved in diabetes...
All at the same time I had an unexpected low at an 'unusual' time, lost connection with the sensor, and pump had an 'electronic error' which caused beeping and vibrating until I found the tool to remove the battery and then rewound cartridge and refill tubing etc to get it working... As I sat there with the phone searching for the sensor and the pump on the other side of the room I felt sad. Sad for the girl who still just about remembers what life was like without type one. I am really grateful for the technology that is available. I love my pump and getting hcl this last year has been a steep learning curve but I really like some things about it and appreciate being given the technology for sure. It was just in that particular moment, it all felt a bit much and I wanted to turn the phone off and leave the pump where it was... not reattach it. Diabetes tech has come so far in the 25 years since I was diagnosed and it is amazing and I am very grateful for it, just think they ganged up on me this morning and any of the 3 things on it's own is not great, but manageable, all 3 together felt hard.
I was wondering how to try to not dwell on the feelings that were there, and thought of this forum. There are others on here who can empathise and understand, and I hope anyone who reads this and feels sad, or lost or swamped at times by the responsibility of the things type 1 entails, might feel a bit better to know you are not the only one...

If anyone has read this far, thanks, and for the record I am now reconnected, the pump is not showing any sign of the meltdown it was having thankfully, and the phone has found the sensor it claimed was invisible.
Vent away hun <3 <3 <3 <3
Pleased to hear you are back up and running with your technology but can sort of relate to how you are feeling even if only in a much smaller way as I don't a pump. I get times very occasionally when I feel like I am at Libre's beck and call and I start to feel resentful of it, rather than it helping me. I take a break from it for a few days and that quickly reminds me how much easier it is to manage my diabetes with it, but it is very easy to get overwhelmed by the technology especially if it isn't operating smoothly or your diabetes is playing up or both and just going back to basics for a short time can really help to reset your perspective... or at least it does for me.
I also have my "moments" when the tech overwhelms the moment. I'm just on MDI, so I imagine my "tech moments" are less frequent than yours @curlygirl.

The scenarios can be outwardly innocuous but inwardly infuriating. As I read your post, paused to reflect on your observation, my high alert (set at 10.0) interrupted to tell me I was at 11.3. An hour ago I was contently at 7.2. Of course I'm grateful for the alert, but (again) infuriated by the inexplicable rise AND infuriated that the app's software won't display my readings on my sleeping phone, nor on the top bar of any other screen. The inexplicable rise goes with the territory of being diabetic and I have to (just!) take that in my stride, calmly and move on.

But the inadequacy of the software means I have to stop what I was doing and: first take a few tech steps to get to the app screen; then tell the Alert I've got the message, so leave me alone for 45 mins and not keep repeating the alert.

I can understand the first versions of the CGM apps each had their own foibles and even if tested on people with D those people would be grateful for the huge step forward in managing one's BG - thus the foibles and inadequacies would have felt minor. But various versions of both Libre and Dexcom devices have been rolled out but STILL CGM readings don't display on a sleeping android phone, without the addition of other apps. In Dexcom's case those other apps are not only not approved by Dexcom but deliberately hindered.

I can gracefully accept that readings are not as accurate as the number after the decimal point infers; they are made to a price point and thus fairly affordable. I can gracefully accept that (infuriatingly) the tech sometimes just fails. A fortnight ago my G7 sensor wouldn't pair with neither my phone nor my Reader and I gracefully spent 3 hrs trying to overcome that before contacting Dexcom and promptly getting a replacement. I really struggle with finding any grace in accepting that my phone will tell me the time while it's asleep (from a widget apoarently), but not my BG.

Alas the tech issues are not confined to CGM. Our 3 month old dishwasher stopped working. After multiple sanity checks, including asking the plumber replacing an upstairs radiator to take a look, several phone calls later (each interrogating us whether we had done various obvious things) a date was offered for 2 weeks later when a technician would visit at any time during that date. On Monday he turned up, did the same checks we'd already repeatedly tried, then logged our dishwasher onto his app and asked why we hadn't downloaded the latest software up date! The manual doesn't mention either an app or updates; nor did any of the 4 interrogation phone calls ask that. Who would know ..... rhetorical question of course, we certainly didn't know and neither, apparently, did the installer that we paid extra for when we purchased the machine. [Victor Meldrew moment: I don't believe it]

My pre Xmas phone died from a combination of physical damage and obsolence; it's upgraded replacement, with numerous software upgrades both for the android OS and many apps using that android upgrade is still a big challenge for me. Artificial Intelligence (AI) seems to be dominating most aspects of the upgrades and software such as Word or Adobe won't play - unless I take out various subscriptions. No doubt I will find some free or very low cost solutions, with time and associated angst! Meanwhile I can no longer access utility bills, some NHS notifications etc. Technology has not only improved (apparently) but is currently at times making our lives a misery. Phone calls to the senders of correspondence confirm we can only receive this paperwork digitally, sometimes telling me that for security or privacy reasons they can't themselves see what the message/notification is and suggest we look at them on a PC (which we don't own) or ask family/neighbours to help or go to the library to use their public PCs. Some of the worst notifications are about attending a vaguely described event on a date, time embedded in the attachment, along with details of what that event really is.

However good the tech might be, there are moments when it becomes crippling. Don't let me get started on modern cars, with user manuals available on line and their ability to go into "limp home" mode with minimal further explanation (but my dealer can explain - for a fee!). Rant over. Meanwhile my BG is now 15.3 and still rising. It's as if I didn't take my breakfast bolus, but my pen says I did.
Hello @curlygirl , sorry your feeling negative emotions with your tech error. Glad you managed to sort it out. Give yourself a BIG WIN. I tend to “mantra” this tune when fixing sensor disconnection? Back in 1992, I could only dream of this stuff. Ironically the words seem to make sense in the context of the task.

Hi @curlygirl I totally get your feelings about the tech at times.

Have recently had endless sensors that went wrong, back into manual, alerts and alarms going off and often waking me (I am out of practice) …. I even got to thinking would MDI be better!! Dealing with the tech can be time consuming , irritating and my pump does get sworn at. It doesn’t make it behave any better but it is necessary (for me) at those moments. I felt like I was on the phone to Medtronic every day, yet again going through the troubleshooting. With a replacement pump now up and running again with HCL very happy that it does so much for me.

I am glad that you got things sorted. This is an excellent place for a rant. Also I know that people do take pump breaks at times. If I was using manual mode I think I would be tempted sometimes.
Dealing with the tech can be time consuming , irritating and my pump does get sworn at. It doesn’t make it behave any better but it is necessary (for me) at those moments.
A few years ago, my car just stopped. I was driving it along a Freeway and the power just faded without giving me time to get to the hard shoulder.
I tried restarting and it didn't.
I tried again and it didn't.
I pleaded with it - nothing.
I shouted at my car that it was a *****ing ******ing ******ing ****. It started. I had no electrics (lights, wipers, indicators) but it started.

From this, I learned swearing can help or, at least, it is worth trying.
Like I said above Diabetes tech has come so far in the 25 years since I was diagnosed and it is amazing and I am very grateful for it. Just felt a bit outnumbered this morning by several issues at once really. Thanks for all of your replies and emojis. Much appreciated.
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Hi @curlygirl

I do find the pressure of having to sort bleeping tech out immediately overwhelming at times especially at 3am. I want to shut the alarms up and do it later but that’s not an option.

Tech has helped me so much but sometimes when it’s one thing after the next it’s hard to remain calm with the situation. My pump does get called for everything from time to time. I find myself shouting What now? What is your problem? It’s hard not having the option to walk away for a headspace break.

I’m glad you got sorted and hope your tech gives you a less stressful & more peaceful time.
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A few years ago, my car just stopped. I was driving it along a Freeway and the power just faded without giving me time to get to the hard shoulder.
I tried restarting and it didn't.
I tried again and it didn't.
I pleaded with it - nothing.
I shouted at my car that it was a *****ing ******ing ******ing ****. It started. I had no electrics (lights, wipers, indicators) but it started.

From this, I learned swearing can help or, at least, it is worth trying.
Sounds like either the terminal on the battery was loose. Some kind of anti “car jacking” immobiliser was on the fritz? (Popular in the states with dodgy aftermarket installations.) .My money is on the former. (Especially as the electrics cut out too.)
Sounds like either the terminal on the battery was loose. Some kind of anti “car jacking” immobiliser was on the fritz? (Popular in the states with dodgy aftermarket installations.) .My money is on the former. (Especially as the electrics cut out too.)
Nope. It was something more complex. It was about 20 years ago so I forget the details but I checked those things myself and it didn't solve the problem so it ended up in a garage.

But it is irrelevant to this story - this thread has nothing to do with the technology in a 30 year old Mazda 323 (aka a Ford Laser) and not in the States.
My point is that swearing CAN work more than just making me feel a bit better 😎
Definitely been plenty of times when I’ve struggled like this…… and it’s not even me that’s type 1! Some huge help on this forum, some absolute diamonds on here and some great advice.