Tech for T2

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Why do we T2 get ignored when it comes to tech that might be helpful for T2s.
I suppose we might be naughty patients and go and cure ourselves if we were allowed free access to useful devices.
Why do we T2 get ignored when it comes to tech that might be helpful for T2s.
Why are we ignored?
I got amazing help to reverse my T2.
I'd support the NHS response for me personally.
Why do we T2 get ignored when it comes to tech that might be helpful for T2s.
I don’t know but it’s rubbish, T2 on insulin always feels treated as second class, but if you mention how frustrating it is on diabetes forums people will just pile on saying not all T1 get technology either. At least they have a chance though.
I can completely understand your frustration @Totalwar

I think a lot of it is down to the nature of scientific research, and the way it is often analysed and interpreted to create policy and guidelines, where what is looked for is one approach or answer to a question. So multiple studies will be examined to see ‘if we should offer this therapy (or technology) to this group’. And a balance of all the available evidence will be sought.

But this doesn’t really help individualised person-centred care, where some things may not be suitable for all, but may be entirely appropriate for a smaller subset. I think sometimes the detail gets lost.

Test strips are a classic example. There is research that shows that they are ineffective, and actually can cause upset and distress where people either don’t understand the results, aren’t interested in them and find it painful and burdensome, or get alarmed at seeing high readings. And yet on the forum we see time and again that for the right people, with the right encouragement and support, BG monitoring can be an essential and extremely positive part of their diabetes management toolkit.

Over the years I have certainly seen positions softening, and I really hope the situation continues to improve, and that access to all sorts of tech (strips, sensors, insulin pumps etc) will be made available to the right people at the right time on a case-by-case basis, whatever their type of diabetes.
I don’t know but it’s rubbish, T2 on insulin always feels treated as second class, but if you mention how frustrating it is on diabetes forums people will just pile on saying not all T1 get technology either. At least they have a chance though.
Depends where you are, Type 2's in Scotland can obtain Libre if insulin dependant and actually seeing in the Libre groups on Facebook that Type 2's in England have been prescribed it through a consultant
Why do we T2 get ignored when it comes to tech that might be helpful for T2s.

The Tyranny of Numbers - 2 must be less important than 1 surely ;-) plus we outnumber T1s by 9 to 1, they can't afford us, even though it's our money !
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