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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Hi all!

Alex has been suffering a lot of hypo's in the past few days - but he told me before as he was having one, that he always feels like crying - is this how you all feel with a hypo? :confused:Bev
Hi Bev. I cry alot and i'm very emotional, but I don't think hypos have made me feel tearful. The only time ive felt upset was when I was newly diagnosed and my brother had moved my moniter so I got really frustrated.

Maybe it's just because Alex is newly diagnosed and young so he is feels a bit sad about getting hypos. I'm sure it will get easier for him :)
Maybe it's just because Alex is newly diagnosed and young so he is feels a bit sad about getting hypos. I'm sure it will get easier for him :)
This is probably it. The older someone is when they get diagnosed with diabetes, the easier it could be to come to terms with it/accept it.
Hi Bev

My son hasn't been sad when hypos occur so much as suddenly acting a little younger somehow. He does tend to feel more easily sad when high though.

It's hard. It could be that his defenses are a bit down when low, so it hits.
Feeling emotional (in a way specific to each individual) can come in various stages of hypoglycaemia - it's all about learning to recognise your own symptoms, in this case, Alex's symptoms. So, it's good that he puts his feelings into words to explain to mother or others around him. Signs, by the way, are what another person can observe.
I think sometimes you do just feel like crying, no matter what age. Depression seems to comes along with diabetes. Alex is very lucky he has you to give him a hug when he needs it.
Hi all!

Thanks for your replies - we are so lucky to be able to get answers so quickly from people whose opinions matter most!:)Thankyou. Bev x
I can find if I've had a lot of hypos I tend to get a bit teary, for me it's out of frustration more than anything and I find it's hypos, more than any other aspect of diabetes, that tends to make the reality of it all hit home to me.
I hope Alex is feeling better. It is good he is recognising and verbalising how he feels. Lots of people feel tearfull for lots of reasons, but if Alex has associated it with lowering sugar levels or hypos, it is something others can look out for. I'm sure you've already told Alex it is OK to cry if he needs to sometimes. WHo better to be the shoulder to cry on than mummy.
Hi Caroline,

Alex went from feeling tearful to feeling very happy and was singing and dancing! I do encourage him to show his feelings - i often think boys think they have to keep it in!Bev
Bev, you mentioning tearful has jogged some old memories for me, i remember when i was around Alex's age i used to get tearful at the diabetes, when things didnt go right- lows, highs etc, not when a low was coming on though. But Alex might be feel sad (maybe because he wishes he could be 'normal' again) when he feels a hypo coming on and maybe thats why he crys? as he grows up he'l more than likely grow out of it. One thing i will say though, as i was going through my teenage years i was very angry alot of the time (probably high BG's not helping) so watch out for it in a few years.
Thanks Anthony,

I think your right , and i know the teenage years will be problematic to say the least!:mad:
At least i will have this site and all of you who have been through it to help us!:)Bev
hi bev things will soon turnaround my son is also having a lot of hypo's at the moment four yesterday best to drop the amount of insulin how old is your son
mine is 9 :eek:
Hi Delta,

My son is 10 - it doesnt seem to be getting any more settled than when he was first diagnosed 3 months ago! When was your son diagnsed? Bev
Bev - It's only been 3 months since diagnosis. I'm guessing that changing school's is also on Alex's radar, so he's got a lot of changes to deal with just now. Being unsettled sounds a perfectly reasonable response by him to life just now. Perhaps it's worth you all looking forward to warmer weather activities, caravaning etc?
Hi all,

Copepod, we have a touring caravan - and we have booked to go away in May with 28 other families with a diabetic child! Its only about 10miles from our house - but its the Cotswolds and its beautiful - so hopefully he will meet some other little boys who will show him the ropes etc! I think its finally hit him that this is for life and thats why he was tearful - in the middle of co-op aswell! I had sat him down at the cafe to sort his hypo out and when i came back he was just sat with tears falling down his cheeks - i could have cried myself - but i didnt i just talked to him which made him perk up a bit! Its tough when its your child that is hurting - but since that episode he seems a bit happier!:)Bev
Hi Delta,

My son is 10 - it doesnt seem to be getting any more settled than when he was first diagnosed 3 months ago! When was your son diagnsed? Bev

seems like his whole life but it was just over 5 years ago. just after his fourth birthday but just been put on multiple injections so its like starting all over again
as your son was only diagnosed three months ago it can be hard to get the levels right as he may still be producing a small amount of insulin what they call the honeymoon period it took me along time to come to terms with it. alot of tearful nights once the kids had gone to bed thinking why my son (still do now sometime) but you have to keep going for their sake things do get better it becomes a way of life not just for your son but the whole family. websites like these really help :)
Bev, there's more than 28 now, we are up to 32. Can't wait to meet you and Alex. There are loads of children his age boys and girls coming with us. I am betting he will be a changed boy and happier after meeting them. Lots of them MSN or whatever each other now because of this mini holiday. I'll be sending you details of everyone before we go and you and Alex can scrutinise the list as to ages etc. I hope you will benefit as well, the rest of us do, it is a very strong bond because other friends and family don't understand fully. Like we don't understand what it's like having diabetes, as parents we also need support and from other parents in the same boat is the best way to get it.

Not long now.

Hi Bev,

I am slightly older than your son (42 to be precise) and I always cry when I have a hypo, slightly embarassing but there is absolutely nothing I can do about it but I am a weepy person person anyway after having my son 19 years ago! To give you an example I can cry at adverts!!!
I think everybody is slightly different when it comes to their symptoms.

Keep smiling !