'Team Pump' update...

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hopefully not wanting to jinx getting my hands on one but a few months ago, I did post asking a bunch of questions about why people wanted their pumps and their journeys of being accepted.

I've been a bit quiet lately so I though it would only be polite to give an update as I have a meeting with the consultant today

They have earmarked me a Medtronic pump(not sure of the model number) but it has the built in CGM if I want to fund it and a Bayour monitor which bluetooths results?

Apparantly I go on a 2day educational course and then do 'dry run' over the weekend before 'going live' on 19th March!!!!!

I hope that as they have given me a date, details of pump and asked me to sign some T&D's that it is no longer just a dangled carrot! Especially as my HBA has gone down yet again since the summer! 7.2% now!(in old money)🙄

9weeks to go...AND COUNTING!:D
Sounds terrific news Suze! Really pleased for you 🙂 And great news about the HbA1c too!
Hopefully not wanting to jinx getting my hands on one but a few months ago, I did post asking a bunch of questions about why people wanted their pumps and their journeys of being accepted.

I've been a bit quiet lately so I though it would only be polite to give an update as I have a meeting with the consultant today

They have earmarked me a Medtronic pump(not sure of the model number) but it has the built in CGM if I want to fund it and a Bayour monitor which bluetooths results?

Apparantly I go on a 2day educational course and then do 'dry run' over the weekend before 'going live' on 19th March!!!!!

I hope that as they have given me a date, details of pump and asked me to sign some T&D's that it is no longer just a dangled carrot! Especially as my HBA has gone down yet again since the summer! 7.2% now!(in old money)🙄

9weeks to go...AND COUNTING!:D

Fantastic news Suze :D Well done on the lower A1c as well.
Well done, sounds a done deal, and best of luck. Millie has medtronic too 🙂
Sounds terrific news Suze! Really pleased for you 🙂 And great news about the HbA1c too!

Thanks Alan!! As I said, don't want to jinx anything but I'm soooooo excited! Had the CGM for a week and it was the best thing since sliced bread, hardly noticed it was on after a day, also been given the Insulink meter which wasn't as useful but it was another gadget to aid my self management so was hardly going to say no!

I am toying with getting the unit for the CGM and a few stocks of the consumables for perhaps times if I go away and the hot climate may affect me or longer periods of sickness? Although, I suppose that would then not help me understand what changes I would need to make as the meter and CGm would work it out between themselves!🙄
Thanks Sue and Hanmillmum!
...its been one long road to get there! I'd prob say a pump was first mentioned to me over 2years ago!
I am toying with getting the unit for the CGM and a few stocks of the consumables for perhaps times if I go away and the hot climate may affect me or longer periods of sickness? Although, I suppose that would then not help me understand what changes I would need to make as the meter and CGm would work it out between themselves!🙄

Just check on the shelf life for cgm sensors and the conditions they need to be stored in before you make any purchases 🙂
Suze best of luck all sounds good news to me

Happy new year by the way hun 🙂
Hello! That's brilliant news. I got mine yesterday and I'm very happy with it. I hope it goes well for you, 9 weeks will fly by. Good luck x
Good luck Suze!

The cost of all the different make CGM sensors, transmitters etc was on the IP mailing list email this morning. All the info re lengths of time the transmitters are warranted for. I deleted it! Damn.

Anyone else got it?
Fab news Suze!

Now all you have to do is get through the excitement of the next few weeks, followed by the "AAAAAAARGH!" moment in the days just before you start 😉
Fab news Suze!

Now all you have to do is get through the excitement of the next few weeks, followed by the "AAAAAAARGH!" moment in the days just before you start 😉

Oh joy! Yep, still in the 'whoohoo' stage at the moment, so much so that a picture of the pump is my bbm picture and status counting down my days!

I've started upping my finger testing this today so that I am getting used to thinking 'test, test, test'

Thanks Steff btw...and Happy New Year to you also!

Thanks Natalie & Jenny, I'm looking forward to joining your elite and specialist club! My o/h is calling me the bionic woman!!!

Think I'll have to get Pumping Insulin on order very soon so I have time to read it!
Well worth it. The first 13 chapters get you pretty much set up. Then the chats with your DSN/pump clinic seem like familiar ground 🙂
Well worth it. The first 13 chapters get you pretty much set up. Then the chats with your DSN/pump clinic seem like familiar ground 🙂

13 CHAPTERS!!!!! How many are there???? My attention span is no longer than a tv commercial!!!!!

When the consultant was discussing the built in CGM function, he was impressed with my knowledge that the sample is taken from interstitual tissue!!(excuse any mis-spelling!)
Just the 27 chapters, plus the Appendices and acks/refs to research , index etc.

Actually don't worry Suze, it's not actually a fat abook, in fact it's slender but the pages are slightly bigger than normal book size. But it is crammed with info so you can't read it all in one go else you'd fry yer brain.

Interstit I-al, I fink?
I thoroughly recommend the John Walsh book too.

Also have you done the online Medtronic tutorial? http://www.medtronic-diabetes.co.uk/education.html It's a useful exercise in getting familiar with the menus and will help to take away some of the confusion in the training so that you can get the most out of it.

Good luck!
Good call on the online tutorials. Either before or after your initial pump hand-over meeting. There's a slight risk of info-overload with all the stuff to get your head around, and some of it makes a bit more sense when you have the thing in your hand.

Good to know you have resources available on your 'trial' weekend 🙂
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