Tea IS good for you...

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Much missed Moderator
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1.5 LADA
Aunty said:
Tea 'healthier' drink than water

The researchers recommend people consume three to four cups a day
Drinking three or more cups of tea a day is as good for you as drinking plenty of water and may even have extra health benefits, say researchers.
The work in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition dispels the common belief that tea dehydrates.

Tea not only rehydrates as well as water does, but it can also protect against heart disease and some cancers, UK nutritionists found.

Experts believe flavonoids are the key ingredient in tea that promote health.../

The number of times it's been suggested to me that I drink less tea and more water. Now I can point them at this research and smile quietly.😎
You can't beat a nice cup of tea...:D Especially made in a teapot with proper tea leaves...😛

Even better with a biccie...😱:D
You can't beat a nice cup of tea...:D Especially made in a teapot with proper tea leaves...😛

Absolutely!! I have about a dozen different kinds and ring the changes every day.
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