Tea, and more importantly, milk for tea on low carb diet...


Relationship to Diabetes
At risk of diabetes

being new to this low carb lark and, (again), going down rabbit holes looking for information, I thought it would be good to delve into the experienced voices on here.

Milk for a cuppa!

One says full fat, next one says no, too carby.
Then Lactose free..Yippee says one, next says no, still too carby, sugars just sort of pushed around!
Oat Milk..again, yes from some and a definite no from others..

Which non cow milk replacement is considered the best taste for a morning cuppa. or two?

Cheers :confused:
A 40ml serving of ordinary milk, either skimmed, semi skimmed or full fat is 1.8 - 1.9 gm carbs. I measure out 175ml semi skimmed first thing which is 8.2gm carbs. I enjoy my drinks and when the milk is gone, it's gone. I then switch to water or peppermint tea. Oat milk is higher in carbs than ordinary milk, unsweetened almond milk is lower. I tried it and stuck to ordinary milk!!
A 40ml serving of ordinary milk, either skimmed, semi skimmed or full fat is 1.8 - 1.9 gm carbs. I measure out 175ml semi skimmed first thing which is 8.2gm carbs. I enjoy my drinks and when the milk is gone, it's gone. I then switch to water or peppermint tea. Oat milk is higher in carbs than ordinary milk, unsweetened almond milk is lower. I tried it and stuck to ordinary milk!!
Thanks - this seems to be both the most less stressful and the common sense route forward- generally only drink tea in the morning, does take a cup or three to get the tired bones working!

Haven’t a problem with almond milk rest of the time
My coffee matters to me, so I just use the milk I want to in it, and factor an average amount of carbs into my day for an average total milk used in 5 coffees. Trying to track milk per coffee is too much faffing about
Ordinary milk for me, the amount and carb load is so small its insignificant, about 2g I believe, it can be ignored. Have no idea about alternative 'milks' though, the label will give you the info! If you love a cuppa coffee try cream, carb virtually zero, assuming your not trying to loose weight of course.
If you love a cuppa coffee try cream, carb virtually zero, assuming your not trying to loose weight of course.
Sadly I am still working on weight loss for the next 2-3 months (probably). And at the end of january I had high cholesterol, which I managed to reduce to normal levels in july (but it wouldn't hurt to tweak them lower).
I prefer almond milk (sweetened) but it’s expensive if you drink a lot of coffee like I do. So I have gone back to cows milk but will aim to reduce this and my carb intake.
Semi skimmed really affects my BG, almond fat less effect.
I don't like a lot of milk in my tea or coffee anyway, but I have either normal milk (usually semi skimmed) or coconut milk drink (bought primarily for my fiancé who is dairy intolerant) and don't worry about it too much. It isn't many carbs in the grand scheme of things
Unless you like your tea coffee milky then small splash in each cup shouldn't come to much over course of day.

Prefer blue top milk over skimmed type, tried some alternative versions of cows milk but didn't like taste.
I use semi skinned goats milk for my coffee(decaff)and tea(Rooibos)...I much prefer goats milk to cows milk these days anyway.
Soya milk is practically zero carbs but it is an acquired taste. I find it just about OK in tea but it's vile in coffee.

I was having soya in tea and cream in coffee but I've gone back to semi-skimmed in both since I got gout :(

Going back to 'proper' milk hasn't made a smidgen of difference to my BG levels.
Soya milk is practically zero carbs but it is an acquired taste. I find it just about OK in tea but it's vile in coffee.

I was having soya in tea and cream in coffee but I've gone back to semi-skimmed in both since I got gout :(

Going back to 'proper' milk hasn't made a smidgen of difference to my BG levels.
Recently you said you wanted to reduce fats. You may like to try Arla Bob skimmed - it tastes virtually identical to semi-skimmed, but has only 0.4g fat.