TBR - Illness

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
...Not been well for a week or two...man flu type thing. I am not ill very often thankfully and this is the first time in nearly 2 years of pumping. I have set a TBR of 160% 24 hours a day for the past 10 days or so....not been perfect but not too bad with not many hypos....it has been interesting! What do you pumpers normally set for an illness TBR?
Dunno, haven't been ill per se for over 20 years.

And I don't think the strategy used for my panic attacks in the more recent past would actually work for man-flu LOL

However, 160% sounds quite reasonable under your circs I'd say?
Sorry to hear that you haven't been well, hope you feel better soon. When I was ill recently with "Amanda" flu I used a TBR of 150 and another of 200 dependent upon my BG and it worked really well.
Sorry you're not well !

The little one has had many colds and viruses and we have needed different rates for different episodes. A recent mild cold managed decent levels on 120% but sometimes it has needed 200%, we just keep on increasing it til it's about right. Problem we have found is she never quite needs quite so much over-night as the day when ill which is frustrating to get right and something to be cautious about.
I was at 180% last week after a gradual increase. Came down to 120% over 5 hours when I started feeling better
I've only had a sniffle or two since starting with Artoo. I seem to ramp up by 10%s 110, 120 then maybe 140 and then back down at the other end.

I tend to use percentage calculated 8hour square waves overnight instead of tbr because of the Medtronic hourly bleeping.

Hope you are feeling better now Phil!
Hi Phil65,

We have used anything from 130% to 800% when Alex had high ketones - just be guided by the levels - if you need it you need it!🙂Bev
Thanks everybody, I'm feeling a bit better...definitely on the road to recovery.....I hate being ill! TBR now at 120% 🙂
Hi Phil65,

We have used anything from 130% to 800% when Alex had high ketones - just be guided by the levels - if you need it you need it!🙂Bev

Bev, 800%.......that's amazing!! I would have been changing my cartridge more than once a day given my basals! 😱
Hi Phil65,

We have used anything from 130% to 800% when Alex had high ketones - just be guided by the levels - if you need it you need it!🙂Bev

My pump only goes up to 200%?! 😱
Dunno - not tried more than 200% yet ! - and that was on holiday to offset summat I was eating to keep it simple and should more properly have been a 'timed' bolus. In other words, I couldn't recall how to cancel the unexpired bit of a timed bolus, my mate Manuel not being immediately to hand, and I did know how to cancel a TBR.
My pump only goes up to 200%?! 😱

Hi Eduad,

He he - so did Alex's - until we had to set a new pattern - with the original 200% numbers and then added on to that and so on - I think we had three new illness patterns to get the 800%! We felt relieved when he was dropping down to 600% and then 300%!😱🙂Bev
Sorry no advice Phil just wanted to say get well soon.
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