TB046 BCG Revaccination Study in Diabetic and Non-Diabetic Adults

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I work for the Jenner Institute at The University of Oxford.

We are currently recruiting Diabetic and non diabetic volunteers for a TB study investigating why people with diabetes are more likely to get infections.

Please see below for more information:

TB046 – A study to help develop TB vaccines. If you are aged 18-65, in good health, with or without type 2 diabetes, and have previously received the BCG vaccine, you may be eligible to participate.

The study involves up to 10 visits over a period of around 6 months.

Participants will be reimbursed for their time and travel up to £1095

For more information please use the following link:

This post has been approved by @AnnaDUK. This study is not affiliated with Diabetes UK. All volunteers should liaise with The Jenner Institute or original poster for any questions or concerns.
Interesting: I had a positive six-needle BCG test when I was at skool. I may not have had the vaccination since I might have been considered to be immune to TB. (It was a long time ago...) It was later found that my father had TB, but was cured of it via a long stay at Benenden Hospital, of which the researchers may well be aware..
"Many years later" I am told that my immune system seems to work much better than that of the average person, even though I have a vast and fascinating range of medical conditions..
Am I an outlier?!
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