Tattoo Idea for Diabetes

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hello, i'm looking for an idea to get a T1 tattoo - something small and simple - has anybody had one of these or ideas? -
Google gives me american symbols!
Previous thread? Why wouldn't it be a good idea?

I have a tattoo but I’d never have a diabetes tattoo because:

I) it doesn’t define me and I’m certainly not having the blasted thing permanently tattooed on my body
2) it would look stupid when there was a cure
3) I already have a MedicAlert bracelet which contains more info and has all my details on their system
4) there are so many nicer, cooler, prettier things to get tattooed
I dunno....diabetes does not define me but neither do other things that i may want my case, diabetes was a bit of an excuse to get a visible tattoo without getting lots of non visible ones (and some people can be very against tattoos) plus always kinda wanted one. As fir a cure, would be bloody brill to get a blast over of 'cured' over the top! I'm not really into bracelets and fined extraneous things annoying. As for it not being good/cool/pretty, well, depends on the design
To be honest, probably won't do it and it would make sense to have a first tattoo somewhere more discreet to check you like the artists work.

Plus, well, i very rarely see a tatt on somone i like...they are lovelly in mags/ pictures but in real life...

Also, pretty much every subject we discuss here has been discused before and its a shame not to have another thread which may go in different directions and possibly give the op ideas
How about somrhing incorporsting a jelly baby/ babies?
It may be a good idea but would first responders be trained to look for that?

@Tdm I’ve noticed the bias against tattoos isn’t so prominent these days, plenty of people I know have tattoos and haven’t got any judgement.
Ha ha, read that as the people who had the tattoos had a lack of (ie poor judgement.)
I think it depends what you want. Really, for a medical tattoo its just the words you need, as clear as possible. But thats a bit stark. And most of those with the staff/snake are rather ugly..though i did see a snake that looked a bit like a worm and it was quite cute.
I was thinking of incorporation a beetroot (dia beet us) but thats a bit silly. I have an allotment hence the veg obsession.
How about somrhing incorporsting a jelly baby/ babies?
No one’s going to look at a jelly baby and think oh yes that’s a medical alert tattoo for type 1 diabetes. I don’t see the point of a medical tattoo, a wristband does the same job
OP did not state they were after a medical alert tattoo.
I think you have to identify why you want the tattoo. ie. What you expect the purpose of it to be. If it is a medic alert, then it needs to be plain and obvious. Most people here on the forum don't seem to want to have their diabetes obvious and on show and a very plain medic alert tattoo would probably be much more obvious than something like a rose or butterfly or snake etc, purely because of the starkness of it. I think that the general idea is that if you are found unconscious it is a very clear way of signaling to people/medics that you are diabetic and hence suggest a possible cause for your condition and hopefully earlier correct treatment, but I think medics are now so well equipped with gear to measure various things that it is of minimal help.... assuming they spotted the tattoo..... or wristband. If I wanted a tattoo, I would want something personal to me that was decorative or had meaning rather than mark my body with my health conditions. Knowing I was asthmatic might be equally as important as diabetic. Some people could end up with a whole list.... as long as their arm perhaps! Think I would rather have a bracelet if i was going down that route and I felt that I needed it. I did get a pendant necklace not long after I was first diagnosed, but the etching gradually faded to the point you couldn't read it, so I stopped wearing it and I don't feel any more vulnerable or less safe without it.
Hello, i'm looking for an idea to get a T1 tattoo - something small and simple - has anybody had one of these or ideas? -
Google gives me american symbols!
I had mine done yesterday! It just says Diabetes Type 1. (I will try to upload a picture)
I never dreamt that I would do this, but having been involved in dealing with two people in the street who were seriously ill from their diabetes it shook me, and I was finally persuaded that I should wear a medi alert.

Interesting reading all the reasons people have given for not having a tattoo.
My reasons for having one done were:
I didn’t want to wear any of the medi alert jewellery in place of what I wear already
There are times when it is not convenient to wear bracelets and I didn’t want a pendant
I am ‘not young’ and the ‘cure in ten years‘ is a long way off, and who knows…
My tatto does not define me it is just a tattoo that will get me the proper treatment if I am found alone.

Each to their own
Hello, i'm looking for an idea to get a T1 tattoo - something small and simple - has anybody had one of these or ideas? -
Google gives me american symbols!
There were lots of other designs on the internet, but many were quite obscure or scrawly. I wanted clear and simple. I did research reliable tattoo artists, and it was an interesting experience being in the studio.
A friend had one done too for solidarity and it was on her list of things to do now that she was over 60.

Someone suggested I now get PTO done on the top of my wrist.
I quite like that....clear without being stark. I think i would want a degree of design to it
Hello, i'm looking for an idea to get a T1 tattoo - something small and simple - has anybody had one of these or ideas? -
Google gives me american symbols!
Twenty years ago or so tattoos were proposed for Diabetics because they allegedly change colour with bg levels. So you could see high or low bgs at a glance.
Twenty years ago or so tattoos were proposed for Diabetics because they allegedly change colour with bg levels. So you could see high or low bgs at a glance.
I will report back regarding any change of colour!!!!!
In not as medical ID, I’ve seen people using < and > symbols to represent ”I am greater than my ups and downs”, which could apply not only to diabetes but to facing other challenges

An internet image search offers this


I like the way that the wristband ‘reads’ for other people, and the tattoo reads as a reminder for the person with diabetes.
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