Tandem tSlim’s set change silliness

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Staff member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
It was bound to happen.

The very first time I did a set change on the TSlim (nothing like as fiddly as I had feared), the thing that really stood out to me was that after cartridge change, tubing fill, set insertion, cannula fill and reminder setting there are an additional multiple button presses to take the pump out of insulin-suspend.

I thought at the time, I’m gonna have to keep an eye on that, because if I get distracted cleaning up the post set-change paraphernalia I could easily leave the pump suspended.


Well, I managed just that earlier this week.

I mean why WOULDN’T I want insulin to start immediately? Why do I have to confirm it??

The even sillier thing to my mind, is that the ‘timeout’ for an alert to say “You haven’t finished” when filling the reservoir etc is incredibly short, barely enough time to accomplish the task at hand. Yet once I’d filled the cannula and then got distracted the pump was happy to leave me with suspended insulin delivery for at least an hour is more!

Only have myself to blame, but it does seem very silly to me 🙂
It looks like every system has its pitfalls. Well worth mentioning it to both the manufacturer and your clinic. It is only when these are in the hands of us using it on a daily basis that these glitches show their ugly heads.

it does seem a strange glitch to have in place, and it is easy for any of us to get distracted.
I hope that your levels didn’t go bonkers before you realised what was going on.
Well - complain about it Mike - if nobody does they'll (and your Clinic) erroneously think it must be OK.

It’s not that it’s not doing exactly what it says though, (and it’s not like there aren’t prompts on the screen to guide you through). So it isn’t really wrong, or misbehaving.

It‘s just that after a while I don’t slavishly read all the text on each screen - it’s just an added part of the process tacked on at the end when other pump systems I have used would have finished and restarted. :D
When in doubt, try the space bar first .....
My nephew once worked as a lab technician in a Uni, he really did get people asking him where the 'any' key was..🙄 (along with people complaining the computer wasn’t working, to which his reply was 'have you switched it on?')
It’s not that it’s not doing exactly what it says though, (and it’s not like there aren’t prompts on the screen to guide you through). So it isn’t really wrong, or misbehaving.

It‘s just that after a while I don’t slavishly read all the text on each screen - it’s just an added part of the process tacked on at the end when other pump systems I have used would have finished and restarted. :D
@everydayupsanddowns There surely should be an option to set the reminder timeout to your preference? An hour could, potentially, cause major medical problems, so being able to set e.g. 5 minutes would make far more sense. Something they could incorporate into one of those upgrades that theymake such a feature about!
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