Tandem T Slim

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Adam 48

Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Hi, I wonder if anyone can offer advice? My 16 year old daughter has recently started her first relationship. We have noticed that everytime she sees her boyfriend, which has been around three months, her blood glucose levels plummet! We have an appointment with the Diab team on Tuesday, but I was wondering if any parents on here could offer any advice?
Many Thanks
Eek! Not a parent myself but I imagine that is a difficult one to deal with, particularly as it is kind of an invasion of your daughters privacy.
All I know is that sex definitely drops my levels and I need to top up with jelly babies sometimes. I assume your daughter is aware of her levels dropping and dealing with it, rather than just ignoring it and perhaps then needing assistance.
Are you following her levels via an app in real time and getting alerts (I believe Dexcom G6 has this facility) or is it just that you are seeing the lows later on her graph.
How competent is your daughter an managing her diabetes and dealing with hypos?
Hi, thanks for your reply. Yes, we are following her in real time, and texting with advice. Thankfully, she is very open about things (with my wife anyway), and she isn't yet having sex. I noticed the link in the drop in blood sugars a couple of weeks back, and my wife had a chat with her. She is pretty good at managing things, but the drop when she's with her boyfriend is substantial! Tonight, we told her to take the pump off when she was going down and have dextrose/gluco, but she still went down to 3.6. We'll raise it with the Diab team next Tuesday.
She doesn’t need to take the pump off she can just suspend insulin. Does she use it with a sensor? There are ways to get G6 funded on the NHS if her team will support her and then she can loop which will help reduce some of the hypos. As you can see a pattern I would suggest she snacks before she sees him so she’s on the higher side or normal and keeps an eye on her levels and has a sugary drink if she sees she’s dropping. But yes her team will be able to look at the data and see the patterns in more detail.
Sorry to hear about the drops in your daughter’s BG levels.

Does she use Control IQ? Might it be worth setting the activity profile to ’exercise’ for an hour or so before meeting up with her boyfriend? Or setting a TBR if not on Control IQ?

Hope the clinic have some helpful suggestions
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