Tandem T Slim with Control IQ and Excercise

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi I have just got this pump and Dexcom CGM.

I used to have the Medtronic 640G and the Guardian 3 CGM.

Does anyone have experience of using the TSlim and Control IQ whilst exercising all day?

I MountainBike often for a full day and also cycle to work but that only takes 10 minutes so it’s a different thing.

With the Medtronic I had my temp basal down to a fine art often only taking 5%

With the Tandem o think I am going to set up 3 levels of exercise as separate profiles.

If you have used the TSlim with Conttol IQ what was your successful approach to exercise?
I had the MM640G as my last pump (with intermittent self funded sensors) and switched to the tSlim in the Summer of 2020. Again with self funded sensors.

My feeling is that Control IQ acts more ‘softly’ and a little later than the MM640G’s Smartguard. It also switches off and restarts insulin more rapidly.

There is an exercise mode in Control IQ which helps by raising the target value the algorithm is aiming for, plus a few other tweaks.

I really miss TBRs! Since switching to hybrid closed loop, for all the benefits I continue to enjoy, I am aware of workarounds I’ve developed for times when I can predict the algorithm will act with too little, too late. It would be very handy to be able to set a short TBR and then let the algorithm catch up when it’s ready. :rofl:
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