Tandem t:slim Touchscreen Insulin Pump Now On Sale (in USA)

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Oooh a new Gadget to play with 🙂 Wonder when it will arrive in the UK and at what price?
Shiny!!...Glossy!!...I want it!!!

(sorry Medtronic!)
Very pretty. LOL

I wonder how hot the insulin gets inside an aluminium case? hotter than plastic or cooler?

Where's the remote for when it's buried in the nether reaches of your underwear/evening dress/bridal gown/cricket box/NAPPY - etc?

Not much info there, but very pretty .......
I doubt the NHS will be coughing up for them any time soon!


The pump company will have to have the pump within the price range that the NHS set.
Obviously as no CE mark it's not available here yet :(
Some of the technology seems like the Cellnovo remote, although the pump itself is different. I have just been accepted on the Cellnovo trial starting probably in September - I am so thrilled!
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