Tandem t slim and dexcom g6

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I have been told today that I'll soon be getting the dexcom g6 with my pump using control iq.
I would like to ask if anyone else use this combination and did they find it pretty straightforward to get used to?
My daughter has had the T-slim for over 2 years but only changed over to Control-IQ in December (before that was on basal-IQ which stops basal when you’re dropping but does not do anything about highs). We found Basal IQ pretty amazing as we’d never had a sensor augmented pump of any sort before. But having been on Control IQ for a bit now I’d say that’s even better, just had first 3-month check since going on it and HbA1c has dropped from 54 to 43, and time in range (4.0-10.0) has gone from a not very good 39% to a way better 78%. I think we can safely say the pump knows what it’s doing better than we do! We find the sensors pretty accurate, the only thing my daughter really complains about is all the alerts, you get the pump telling you to eat something because you’re dropping when you’re only in the low 5s sometimes. But I think it’s better than anything she’s had before.
Similar to Sally. My kid was on basal IQ until recently. You do need to have a good idea that your algorithm is basically fine for your basal and bolus needs but the control IQ does pretty well. It’s worth knowing that with basal iq the target was 5.5 whereas with control iq it’s 6.2 (I think, from memory) so you may find that you end up slightly higher than usual as the norm but it should still be a reasonably flat profile.
I have been told today that I'll soon be getting the dexcom g6 with my pump using control iq.
I would like to ask if anyone else use this combination and did they find it pretty straightforward to get used to?
That is good news and I hope that you find it as successful as others.

I use the Medtronic looping so slightly different, but these systems definitely have potential to make life a lot easier. It took me a bit of getting used to to trust it, as it was handing over what I had been doing previously, but I am glad that I stuck with it. Like @Sally71 mentions there can be more alarms than when in manual, as the pump wants to check that all is okay. Still worth it from my point of view.

I look forward to hearing how things progress.

I switched to Control IQ soon after starting on the tSlim.

I spent a couple of weeks trying to let it do its thing without intervening too much just so I could see how it responded to things.

I’d had Medtronic’s MM640G as my previous pump so had experience of predictive low glucose suspend, but even on BasalIQ I could tell that tSlim’s algorithm seemed to react later, and end sooner.

So I use a combination of Control IQ and an early Dex alarm (5.2) to give me some early warning to see if I need to act.

It’s done pretty well for me so far. and it’s not long now before my warranty will be up and I’ll have to be looking around again!
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