Yes I think that’s right!
One of the things which used to annoy me about the Combo was that you could have up to 5 different basal patterns (stored on the pump itself) but only one set of ratios (stored on the handset, which did all the calculations and then told the pump how many units to give you). I’ve often thought that my daughter probably needs different ratios at the weekend from what she needs at school. However now we actually have a pump which can accommodate for that, we’re finding it less useful and are tending to use the same basal rate all the time at the moment, because what was the school one seems to have gone completely wrong now and probably needs to be worked out from scratch, I was going to start with the non-school one less 20% or something like that and go from there, but can’t make my mind up how to do it and we’re managing just on the non-school one all the time at the moment!