Tandem Mobi


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Hello everyone. Out of curiosity is this pump out in the UK yet? Anyone got one?
I have not heard of it Tom. Where did you see it?

When choosing pumps it is most important to consider those offered and therefore supported by your daughter’s clinic.
Air Liquide are the UK distributor for the tSlim

They aren’t mentioning it. So my guess is that a UK launch may not have happened yet.

Ah that’s a shame. We’re having the old familiar Omnipod absorption/weeping issues again. I think this Mobi ticks all the boxes for us. Small, flexible and controlled via a phone rather than having to get to the pump to input settings. Sounds decent to me.
Did you work out what was causing the weeping @Tom1982 - ie was it the insulin or was it the adhesive?
Looks like it was the cannula lubricant. Managed to dull down the irritation by spraying cavlon into the cannula window which was probably not in the text books! Worked for a bit but the last two have been rubbish again. Shame, but the idea was to go onto the Omnipod 5 when it became compatible with the G7. But we couldn’t rely on the algorithm if the absorption was different every time, so we are back to the drawing board unfortunately.
Could you research what exact lubricant it was and then look for cannulas that don’t use it? They can’t all use the same. Having a working cannula is absolutely crucial. They’re potentially the weak point of pumps.
Could you research what exact lubricant it was and then look for cannulas that don’t use it? They can’t all use the same. Having a working cannula is absolutely crucial. They’re potentially the weak point of pumps.
That’s a great call. I’m sure that info will be out there somewhere. Definitely going to find that out.
Ah that’s a shame. We’re having the old familiar Omnipod absorption/weeping issues again. I think this Mobi ticks all the boxes for us. Small, flexible and controlled via a phone rather than having to get to the pump to input settings. Sounds decent to me.
I have had 2 pumps with similar issues recently including my previous pump, it just seemed to not work as it should but no outside issues. When I took it off underneath was sodden with brown (blood) and insulin, it stunk of insulin. And it had been working at meal times I would go back into range for a short bit of time but my background must have just been leaking. I asked my DSN if others have reported these issues locally and he said no, but I’ve had a few. Urgh!
Haven't I heard this referred to on the forum as "tunnelling" where the insulin is coming back up the outside of the cannula to the skin surface. I am sure others have reported it on the forum with Omnipods otherwise I am not sure how I would know about it....
A search on the forum of the word "tunnelling" produced a number of hits.
I have had 2 pumps with similar issues recently including my previous pump, it just seemed to not work as it should but no outside issues. When I took it off underneath was sodden with brown (blood) and insulin, it stunk of insulin. And it had been working at meal times I would go back into range for a short bit of time but my background must have just been leaking. I asked my DSN if others have reported these issues locally and he said no, but I’ve had a few. Urgh!
Grim ain’t it! Thought we’d cracked it but this diabetes business has a way of humbling me very quickly 😡


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That’s the way of Type 1 @Tom1982 You never totally crack it. There are good days and bad days. It’s by far the most stressful thing about it all.

Would you consider your daughter going back onto MDI while you find a suitable pump/cannula?
Grim ain’t it! Thought we’d cracked it but this diabetes business has a way of humbling me very quickly 😡
I cried most of Monday, my sensor had disconnected overnight Sunday/Monday and I was at 18-20 all night, I woke up feeling so ill. Turned out it was the pump but even Tuesday was wonky. Back to normal Wednesday thankfully.
It just never stays the same for long and so many variables.
I cried most of Monday, my sensor had disconnected overnight Sunday/Monday and I was at 18-20 all night, I woke up feeling so ill. Turned out it was the pump but even Tuesday was wonky. Back to normal Wednesday thankfully.
It just never stays the same for long and so many variables.
She gets shirty when’s her levels are up and down and I ain’t surprised! But the upshot is, after a 14 hour day on a building site I’m now off down the park to cheer her up! :rofl:
New pod last night, makes carbing breakfast “fun” when they work 🙄


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I cried most of Monday, my sensor had disconnected overnight Sunday/Monday and I was at 18-20 all night, I woke up feeling so ill. Turned out it was the pump but even Tuesday was wonky. Back to normal Wednesday thankfully.
It just never stays the same for long and so many variables.
B….er. Sometimes D just doesn’t play ball and/or equipment blips.
A good cry does no harm. I am glad it settled