Tandem insulin not working..

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi All
I am new to pumping, I got my first pump (Tslim) a month ago after 20 years on MDI's.
I am finding that the insulin (Novarapid) is losing its "power" after 2 days, I am having to change the site and cartridge after 2, not 3 days, or no mater how much insulin I take, its like injecting water, my glucose levels go up to 15 and wont come down.
Soon as i change cartridge, filled with new insulin, change site, all goes back to normal.
Has anyone else experienced this?

Hi @Colm

Sorry to hear you're having problems with your insulin & blood sugar.

I started on a Tslim about 5 months ago. I wonder if it is the cannula type that not's working well for you rather than the insulin losing its power? Just a thought as I have had such erratic blood sugar since changing to TSlim and have had to change from a Teflon to a steel cannula to get insulin absorbed properly.

Insulin shouldn't lose its potency after 2 or 3 days in a reservoir provided it's been stored correctly in a fridge etc. I get the most problems when the cannula I'm using just doesn't work well for me.

I'd contact your DSN and ask for some advice/help and also consider trying a different cannula.
I agree with @Flower , @Colm It might not be the new insulin but the change of site that’s making things work. So, I’d look at your cannula sites and your cannulas. I’ve used a pump for almost 20 years and in some areas the wrong cannula can make it seem like the insulin isn’t working. The right cannula type for you can make a huge difference. I need different types for different body areas.
Thanks for the responses. It does tend to get a little tender, even sore around the cannula on the second day of insertion,
I can actually feel the insulin going in on a bolus, which feels weird... so how do I figure which one to use? just trial and error?

Thanks again
Unfortunately Colm, yes it is exactly that process. A determined process of experimentation on ourselves. That inevitably takes time - so start now!! No idea what process you use to get your pump consumables as it differs a bit between both pump suppliers and Health areas - but contact whoever you contact, tell em your probs as you've described to us and ask to try summat different asap please.
Thanks for the responses. It does tend to get a little tender, even sore around the cannula on the second day of insertion,
I can actually feel the insulin going in on a bolus, which feels weird... so how do I figure which one to use? just trial and error?

Thanks again
I’ve just gone through the process of trying a few different cannulas to see which one gave me reliability. If you ring Air Liquide and say you’re having problems & ask if you can try a few types of cannula they will send you a couple of each type. The different types of cannula available are on the TSlim site.

Once I’d found a cannula that worked for me I asked my DSN if I could change. It took a couple of months to sort out but I’ve just received an order of TruSteel cannulas

It is a challenge when you start on a pump or change pump make to find a suitable cannula. It is a vital link in the chain to get reliable insulin delivery but is a case of trying some out.
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