?Talk to Your Doctor? May Not Help if You Have Diabetes

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Recently, while traveling to Arizona to give a diabetes workshop, I was struck again by the lack of knowledge and urgency many physicians have regarding diabetes.

Seated at the airport, my husband was talking to a woman about health, whose clearly-overweight mother was sitting next to her. The woman said her mother was on a lot of pills and her doctor wants to put her on another one. My husband asked, ?Does she have diabetes??

?No,? said the woman. My usually-quiet husband persisted, ?Has your mother had a recent blood sugar test??

?Yes, her blood sugar was 187,? said the woman. ?But the doctor said that?s nothing to be concerned about.?

Depending on the test, a blood sugar of 187 mg/dL (10.3 mmol/L) can very much be something to be concerned about. It may mean you may either have diabetes or pre-diabetes. ?What did her doctor advise her to do?? I asked, expecting at least lifestyle guidance if not medication.

?Nothing,? said the woman staring at us, confused.

About one-fourth of the nearly 26 million people in the U.S. with diabetes don?t know they have it. That?s a little more than 7 million people walking around with undiagnosed, untreated diabetes.

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