Take blood pressure tablets at a time that best suits you, scientists say

Bruce Stephens

Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
The UK newspaper sites seem to have less on the nose headlines, but that's what they're saying. It was suspected there might be a difference between taking them in the morning or in the evening. But there isn't, so you can take them whenever it's convenient to do so.

Take bp med & have always taken it first thing in morning before breakfast, never thought to take it on a evening as would likely forget it.
Take bp med & have always taken it first thing in morning before breakfast, never thought to take it on a evening as would likely forget it.
I do too, but I've nothing against taking it in the evening (with the statin). There was a hypothesis that taking it in the evening might be better because that would have more of an effect while we're asleep (I forget exactly the proposed mechanism but I guess it doesn't matter now). I seem to remember being invited to participate in this (or a very similar) trial but never got around to it; I guess I can stop feeling guilty about that now.