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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi, hv been told by doc need to go on injections now! Not sure how I feel about it really, my doc says is easier than takin all the tablets. Hw do people who've already done this feel about the change, an is it easier than takin the tablets?:confused: shirl
Hi Shirl, I've been on insulin from the start, so can't really comment on the tablets except to say that from what I can gather you have a different set of things to deal with. On tablets you probably have less flexibility than with insulin in terms of diet as you are limited in your means to proactively lower your BG levels. With insulin, you have to learn how to inject according to your food intake and activity levels etc. but once you've got to grips with it, it means you have a tool to get tighter control. The drawback, of course, is hypos if you get it wrong or your diabetes doesn't behave!

You win some, you lose some - thank you diabetes!🙄
I'll watch your journey with some interest as I may be facing the same thing in the not too distant future. I hope you'll keep us posted.
Hi Shirl im starting on insulin tomorrow ! Got myself tied up in knots about it tbh and im not at all looking forward to it all of a sudden, so i hope to be able to come back and tell you my experiences with it being new and all to it x
thanx northerner, not sure I'll cope with tryin to work out carbs etc. but I guess I'll find out soon enough, lol x
I started on insulin in 2003 and find it much easier than being solely on tablets, was a godsend really as I was so unwell just on tablets that I looked forward to going on insulin, even though I didn't like the thought of injecting... counting carbs isn't as hard as it sounds.
thanx steph, hp all goes well tomoro! Am sure its worse in our minds than in the doin! Is always the unknown that scares us most I guess, take care x
thanx squidge, maths was never my strong point so carb counting sounds daunting! Silly really as I'm not feelin good at the moment! Thought I'd be able to put it off for a bit longer tho! Guess thats life .....
Ah! Bless you!

🙂 HI Shirl,

I was threatened by my doc that if I did'nt get my blood sugars under control I would have to go on to injections. It gave me the biggest kick up the bum ever!
I am sqeemish about needles and just did not want to end up like a pin cushion.
My mum is on injections (shes in her 70's now and has been a type 1 since her early 30's) Anyway, she said that she practiced the feel of doing injections on oranges, then learnt pretty quickly how to do the injections so they did not hurt and she said the worse bit was pricking her finger to do a blood sugar count for the meter every day. She said the same as everyone else, that injections are better than taking tablets. I must admit, Its sometimes hard to remember what to take when.
Sorry I cant comment but just wanted you to know, I'm thinking of you and hope you get through this bit of your journey all right. Keep your chin up! x
I've been on insulin since diagnosis, being a T1. But I think the thing you need to remember is that injections are NOT a punishment. Some things will wokr better than others for different people, and it's just the way it goes if injections are what works for you. 🙂
thanx Shelly, I must admit I forget to take tabs even tho I set them out for the wk ahead! It can only get betta can't it? 🙂 its the counting carbs I think I'll struggle with, thats why I worked with rising fives in school, LOL, I can't count ova 10, only joking, honest!
Hi sacredheart, thanx think I did see it as punishment at first! Whateva I was doin wasn't good enough, but am beginnin to see it differently now thanx to all the support. 🙂 does help to hv other peoples experiences to call upon. 🙂 x
I was on tablets since diagnosis in January 2009, but since November 2009 I've been injecting 4 times a day. I was terrified of needles!! But today I inject without even thinking, it seems normal for me now - it really doesn't hurt at all!! As someone else said, resting for BS is more painful all that isn't so bad now. I have found having an attitude of acceptance has helped a lot AND the result of injecting has been much better control of BS!

Good luck with change! 🙂
Hey Shirl sorry i wont be able to help with the insulin thing now as you know things didnt go to plan but if you do go on the byetta first ill be happy to chat with u x
Hello. I was on maximum dosage metformin and maximum dosage gliclizide and am now on 2000mg glucophage slow release and 3 x daily humalog 50 injections. I take 46 units b4 breakfast, 22 units b4 lunch and 56 units b4 dinner but the dosage fluctuates according to my BS levels.

I must say for me personally I prefer injecting to taking the tablets and have no problem with it and haven't had since I started injecting last April. Injecting isn't as daunting as it seems before you start although I was apprehensive when I first started even though I knew it was coming.

Also I think less side effects with insulin to some of the tablets. Hope that this helps.
Hi Cath, thanx for the msg don't think its the thought of injecting thats upsetting I think it just seems to make things more final somehow! Hp that makes sense? Not sure it does, but hey ho just gotta get on with it I guess. take care, shirl x
Hi Steph, we may be goin through the same journey soon so at least we can compare notes ,lol! Hp all going well with byetta, take care an keep in touch, shirl x
Hi Andy, thanks for gettin in touch. I am on maximum Metformin, Gliclizide and for past 4 months hd Sitagliptin too, think I'm beginnin to rattle! We always fear the unknown don't we? I've got to just get on with it huh? 🙂
Hi Shirl,

I was put on sitigliptin as well which was the last ditch attempt b4 going on to insulin however the sitigliptin did nothing for me and made no difference to my readings, mind you saying that the metformin and gliclizide weren't brilliant either lol.

I know it is easy to say as I have been injecting for a year now but don't worry about it. It isn't as bad as what we think it is going to be. Also it isn't a failure it is just the way it is. What will be will be.

Anyway good luck with it.
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