Tablet Advice

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2

My nurse at the diabetic clinic has recommended that I go from Metformin which I take 3 x 850mg a day to metformin slow release tablets.

I am seeing my GP on Wednesday morning to possibly get them changed. Does anyone have any experience of the slow release and whether I will be better by changing? I also start injecting lantus from tomorrow morning which is why the nurse has suggested that I move on to the slow release version.

Apart from the SR Metformin costing more can anyone give me any guidance on it? ie maximum dosage, how it works and whether I will be better on it?

Thanks in anticipation.

Hi Andy, I can't answer all of your questions but I was put on Metformin standard tablets in November last year and was reasonably OK on them until the dose was increased to 4x500mg per day - when I started getting very quesy and was then physically sick a few mornings. I know people say they get upset tummies but I never had that but I take tablets for IBS anyway so that may have counter-balanced that feeling.

I am now on 3x500mg slow release Metformin with my evening meal and also take 80mg Gliclazide twice a day and have no ill effects at all. My blood sugars are mostly in the mid-high 5s fasting and are staying settled at that so something (apart from keeping an eye on my diet) must be working !

Good luck with the new regime - let us know how you get on.
Hi Andy

I was changed to Metformin SR (2 once a day) in February after being on standard Metformin (2 twice a day) for over 8 years.

My BG has come down considerably - I was getting readings in the 12 - 15 range, once I changed to SR my BG is around 8, with occasional high 5's. Also, I am no longer suffering with continuously feeling sick (normally all day). If your GP offers the Metformin SR give it a try, I feel better for changing.

I've not had an HbA1c since I changed but am hoping that next tim I have one that will have come down as well.🙂🙂
Thankyou for the useful information.

I am certainly going to give the Slow Release a try as long as my GP is willing to prescribe them. I will let you know how I get on.

Again thanks.

when i was first diagnosed I was also started on metformin. It didnt agree with me and started a slow release tablet, glucophage (i think it was called). Much better. Less quesey! Helped me shift a few pounds too. I think its important to bear in mind if you dont think they agree with you then do go back for an alternative, as they are out there.

Good luck with the lantus, hope all goes well.
Am on sr metformin 3 x 500mg and have had no side effects at all... much prefer taking them.
good luck Andy please keep us posted x
Well. I have injected twice now (Tue and Wed) with no problem with the actual injections but has anyone suffered with any lantus side effects? I had an upset stomach earlier on today?

My stupid GP today agreed to the SR Metformin and then proceeded to prescribe me with the metformin I am already taking!! I didn't notice it until I went to the chemist to get the prescription. The pharmacist who I know spotted it and pointed it out to me. I couldn't be bothered to go back to the GP's. The pharmacist said he will have a word at the the surgery and see if they will re-issue the prescription!!

I must admit that the needles I use on the lantus pen are painless when putting them in. It is probably easier injecting than taking the horse tablet which is 850mg of metformin 3 times a day lol.
Well. I have injected twice now (Tue and Wed) with no problem with the actual injections but has anyone suffered with any lantus side effects? I had an upset stomach earlier on today?...

The only thing that I have had with lantus is some stinging when injecting, but not every time - this is a known problem as lantus is held in acidic crystals that slowly dissolve. It's not really a problem, and less alarming now I know what it is. Glad you're doing OK with the injections!🙂
It's good news that you've had no problems with the initial injecting Andy but what a plonker your Dr is prescribing the wrong Metformin for you - let's be generous and say that Drs are overworked ?....Hope all continues to go well for you.
I'm new to Diabetes and I've just started on Metformin, 2nd day in and I might as well camp on the loo.
I might grab a roller and some paint and keep busy whilst sitting, I hope the side effects end soon :(

Ps Please note I did type 'sitting'
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It's so frustrating when the things that are supposed to make us better make us feel unwell😱 I hope that you're able to adapt quickly and that the side effects go soon 🙂
eggle im 3 days in and im going through the same, my bf said have you got another man in there im in that often (loo) 😱:D
Eggle, Steff - hope the side effects settle for you both. Metformin had the opposite effect on me - we all vary
really vanessa gosh like you say all effects us in diffirent ways.
I'm a bit better today, I must have flushed the loo that many times recently that the water board will start a hose pipe ban early this year.

I feel a stupid question coming type 2 tablet taking diabetics eventually end up injecting or can it be controlled with goood diet and remain just on tablets?

Sorry if it sounds garbled, I have to take Tramadol for pain and it's a bit hard to concentrate.
Well, it all depends! Some Type 2s will end up on insulin no matter what they do just because their beta cells don't continue to produce insulin whether or not their bodies' insulin resistance is a factor. Some Type 2's will maintain their status well on diet alone although many may find that diet more and more restrictive and others will move from diet alone to diet and tablets. Type 2 diabetes is generally regarded as a progressive condition by most health care professionals although some claim that the right diet can reverse it or, at least, stabilise it

At least we are fortunate enough to live in an era where insulin is available should we need it. Whilst, for me, that doesn't mean I have an excuse not to do whatever I can within reason to try to manage my own condition, it does mean that there are additional options in the longer term. Locally I know four other people with Type 2 diabetes and all of their stories differ. One has lost a lot of weight and had to reduce her medication, another - despite all she has done to the best of her ability - is now on insulin 4 times a day and the other 2 have been on the same treatment regime for a number of years. All of us make sure we get our regular checks so we can ensure we are on the best regime possible for us

As you will see, some people on this forum have managed on diet and exercise alone for many years. Others, like me, were started on medication on diagnosis due to the levels then. My GP told me early on that he was sorry but he thought I might end up on insulin - my response was if that was what I needed then so be it
Thanks Vanessa,
You've given me a ray of sunshine over my outcome, I'm not great with needles so with a bit of luck and good dieting and a touch more luck I might stay away from them.

Hi Steff
I hope you are feeling a bit better today
yes eggle seems to be easing off for now x ty
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