@GW1969 and welcome to the forum.
It's correct that both Steroids and Statin are quite likely to increase Blood Glucose whilst you are taking them.
While most T2 Diabetics can tolerate at least the extended release versions of Metformin, there are a large number who can't and have to stop taking them.
Since your HbA1C isn't very far into the diabetic zone, there is a good chance that you can get along fine without Metformin since what you eat can have a greater effect than metformin.
If you can reduce the carbohydrates that you eat then you may not need any diabetes medication, since it is the carbohydrates that immediately turn into glucose upon digestion. So potatoes are can be as 'bad' for a Diabetic as table sugar is. This includes all carbohydrates to a certain extent, unfortunately some can tolerate certain foods higher in carbs than others. The only way to know which are OK for you is to gat a Blood Glucose meter and test before eating and then 2hrs after first bite. If the rise in the BG reading is more than 3 mmol then either the food is best avoided or eaten in smaller portions.
Carby foods include all starches (like grains and flour), potatoe, starch underground veg, tropical fruit and especially fruit juices. Some people are OK with legumes, carrots, apples where others are not (me included).
What can be eaten (even in large quantities) are:- Eggs, meat (even fatty cuts) , fish (oily fish as well as white fish- but no batter/breadcrumbs), Cheese, leafy green veg, Avocado, Mushrooms.
So a great breakfast for a Type 2 diabetic could be eggs (with or without bacon , mushrooms, cheese). And breakfast foods unlikely to be well tolerated are Oats , Porridge, Breakfast Cereals, Toast, Those who don't like a cooked breakfast can eat something like full fat Greek yogurt (or Skyr) with a handful of berries and/or nuts in it. Berries are some of the lowest carbohydrate fruits!