T2 confusion after GP visit


New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi all,

I hope this is ok to ask here but im kind of in the dark, I had a blood test recently because im near 40 and the GPs didnt have bloods on file for me so they kind of did an MOT for all sorts. I got a call the day after from the reception asking me to come in for a follow up blood test, in 4 weeks. I asked why and she said she didnt know. So i panicked and logged into myNHS app and saw that one of the results came back as Hbac1 (sorry if thats wrong) was 53mmol and the notes said " NEW DIABETES ??? invite for retest in 4-6 weeks". Troubled by this over the next 4 weeks i changed my diet and got moving more (i need to lose weight anyway and have been putting it off). Nothing said from a doctor in those 4 weeks, I have dropped a stone and been for a follow up test and the results came in again online with no call that say it is 41mmol. And now i feel a bit lost? the notes say "follow up" but nothing has been said or done and im not sure where to go as id like to speak to a health professional about what all this means but I have had no contact. Im unsure what these results mean and if im on the right track or need to get tested, looking for a bit of reassurance as the second looks lower but i have no idea. Thanks
Hi all,

I hope this is ok to ask here but im kind of in the dark, I had a blood test recently because im near 40 and the GPs didnt have bloods on file for me so they kind of did an MOT for all sorts. I got a call the day after from the reception asking me to come in for a follow up blood test, in 4 weeks. I asked why and she said she didnt know. So i panicked and logged into myNHS app and saw that one of the results came back as Hbac1 (sorry if thats wrong) was 53mmol and the notes said " NEW DIABETES ??? invite for retest in 4-6 weeks". Troubled by this over the next 4 weeks i changed my diet and got moving more (i need to lose weight anyway and have been putting it off). Nothing said from a doctor in those 4 weeks, I have dropped a stone and been for a follow up test and the results came in again online with no call that say it is 41mmol. And now i feel a bit lost? the notes say "follow up" but nothing has been said or done and im not sure where to go as id like to speak to a health professional about what all this means but I have had no contact. Im unsure what these results mean and if im on the right track or need to get tested, looking for a bit of reassurance as the second looks lower but i have no idea. Thanks
The levels that are used for diagnosis are, over 42, pre-diabetes, ie, if you don’t make some changes, you may go on to develop diabetes, and over 48, a diagnosis of Diabetes. A firm diagnosis is usually only made after two HbA1cs. So it looks like the changes you made when you got your 'wake up call' have paid off, and you are now just below the pre-diabetic range, so whatever you did, keep it up!
It would probably be a good idea to request a further HbA1c in a year to check that you continue to be below the pre-diabetic/diabetic level though
I'm unsure what these results mean and if i'm on the right track or need to get tested, looking for a bit of reassurance as the second looks lower but i have no idea. Thanks
Whilst an HbA1c of 53 is above 47, and thus diabetes, 41 is the top end of normal. Dietary changes, being more active and losing weight are the strategies that people adopt when they're diagnosed and these are generally successful in turning things around, even without medication, as you've proved.
@mike 3556 It depends on how your GPs do things - but you were in the type 2 diabetes range, and now you aren't.
I did almost the same thing as I had one test with a definite diabetes result, then dropped my levels down by the time the second test was done.
My first test was 91, so very definitely diabetic, but some GPs require two tests above 47 to confirm diagnosis.
Hopefully if you keep your blood glucose levels down, go easy on carbohydrate rich foods, you will remain in normal numbers.
I am coming up to 8 years from diagnosis and have not seen high numbers again, but I still eat low carb.