t2 and tattoos

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
have seen a post on here before about this but i am thinking of getting more.:mad: but the last one i got took ages to heal .and this time its a full arm that am doing has anyone else had one done and do you have any advise in after care
I'm type 2 and I have loads of tattoos. I've had a few done after being diagnosed and none took longer than 5 days to heal. Obviously that is different for everyone, so I'm not sure if any advice would be worth anything.
I use vaseline on my tattoos to help them heal. Also, if I can (depending on the location), I cover them with plastic foil during the day. It makes them 'sweat' which speeds up the healing process.

In the past I've used an ointment containing cod-liver oil which works even better and quicker than vasiline. I used to live in the Netherlands, so I don't know if this is easily available in the UK. You might want to ask your tattoo artist about that.
cheers for that the other tats i have were just standerd size but this one is a full arm one cant wait to get it done but i think kenny will sort me out
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