T1...a journey


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
No shade to all you hard working T2 on low carb...but

Just ready to start my first batch of homemade fudge since my diagnosis....
I went low carb and though i would never be able to eat such things again.
I threw out all my recipe books, includng the 30 year plus old be-ro book. Out when the flour, sugar etc to by replaced by weird, expensive, and, frankly, not as nice ingredients. (I stopped short of ground up pork rind as flour, mind you. Like, ew!)
I ignored all the kind souls on here who told me T1 could eat a normal diet. Eventually, i worked out how to do it, just like i figured out how to excercise without my sugars diving, and all the other T1 stuff. Not that i don't mess up once in a while (last night it was the last bit of home made icecream that just begged to a scoffed and did a pizza effect on my overnight sugars...doh)
Anyway, yous all were right.
The fudge baking calls!
Yes, it certainly is a journey. I stick mostly with low carb for other reasons, not least because it seems to be healthier for me, but I am more flexible now and in certain social situations or when I feel I am really struggling to keep on top of things mentally, I let "things slip a bit" with my diet and in some respects I gain a lot from that in that I feel like I have achieved something really important and it gives me a boost. For example, I bought a couple of sandwiches last week when I haven't bought bread for years. It was quite challenging not to feel "guilty" about buying and eating a sandwich at home when I should have been cooking and eating something low carb.... it feels a bit like cheating and I hate cheating!.... Anyway, there was also a big boost to self esteem when I managed both sandwiches with insulin on consecutive days really well and kept in range.
As I said, I don't want to go back to normal eating because there are too many benefits for me to eating low carb but it feels like a triumph on the odd occasions when I go "off piste" and get it right.
I still do low carb meals when i won't be able to go for a walk afterwards...but i just love my bread and can keep spikes down other ways.

To be honest, getting rid of those old recipe books was good, as its got me trying new recipes...some of which are better. The new fudge recipe turned out better than the old one, to be honest.

But, just looking back at newly diagnosed me, well, i'd have never have thought it would work out as it did
Hi @Tdm I'm bang in the same camp as you. It was just so much easier to go low carb at first. But happy to note I'm pretty much eating what I want to again now. Today included toast and marmite for breakfast. Sausages and carbonara at lunch. Roast chicken with roast potatoes just now and a giant cookie while I was out with the dog earlier

To be fair not the healthiest probably but a relief for me for it now to all be a choice again

And definitely agree that being able to get out for a walk is a major help. Weekdays I'm more sedentary and it's just so much easier to stay low carb

Keep up the variety!
We are all travelling same road, difference to our journey is there's no destination as the road just goes on & on & on.