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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1.5 LADA
Hi, is anyone using this pump in a closed loop system with DexCom G6? I just wondered how you find it as I’m thinking of changing to it.
This is what my kid is on. His HBA1C has been excellent and it works really well. I don’t know if you’re self funding dexcom but the G7 is now compatible and is cheaper
Yes my daughter has got the T-Slim as well. Since we switched to closed loop it’s been amazing, her last two HbA1cs have been 41 (I didn’t think it was possible to get her below 48 without being hypo half the time, but the pump can do it) and time in range over 90%. We get a lot less Dexcom alarms going off! T-Slim is about to be upgraded to be compatible with G7 as well but my daughter wants to continue with G6 as long as possible as that’s what she‘s used to and it works very well for her.
Thank you, that’s very helpful. I currently have a G6 and Omnipod Dash, NHS funded. I was hoping the Omnipod 5 might be NHS funded, making a closed loop system, but it looks unlikely as it’s so much more expensive than the other pumps. Didn’t realise the G7 was pump compatible too.
I have had one of these for the last 2 years, and I still can’t get the hang of the messing about with filling the insulin cartridge and the cannula insertion. I have screwed up so many times and find I am extremely nervous about leaving home after every cannula change until I am positive it is working correctly.
If I had a choice I would probably not get another one of these, although I do appreciate the Dexcom G6 closed loop system, but you do still have to do some work!
I have had one of these for the last 2 years, and I still can’t get the hang of the messing about with filling the insulin cartridge and the cannula insertion. I have screwed up so many times and find I am extremely nervous about leaving home after every cannula change until I am positive it is working correctly.
If I had a choice I would probably not get another one of these, although I do appreciate the Dexcom G6 closed loop system, but you do still have to do some work!
Sorry to hear that, I hope things improve for you. No, I realise I’ll still have to do some work and I’ve had a few issues with pods and sensors coming off etc. but overpatches helped on occassion. Don’t think anything’s totally foolproof, but hope the closed loop will help
I've been using the Tslim with Dexcom 6 for about 8 months. So far so good with a few normal niggles.

It's improved things so much for me especially through the night where I'm getting a stable line and waking up at between 5.5 and 6 nearly every morning without night time hypos and alarms interrupting sleep. The improvement in sleep is amazing, it wasn't something I expected and I hadn't realised how stressful worrying about night hypos and dealing with alarms and lows had been.

I've had challenges finding a suitable cannula but the customer service have been great at supplying a few of each cannula to try out.

Filling the reservoir is a bit of a faff but I've got used to it now. You fill a syringe first then insert the syringe into the reservoir and withdraw any air in the reservoir. Eject the air bubbles from the syringe then fill the reservoir. If I could change one thing it would be that but the benefits of the hcl outweigh the reservoir filling.

I like that the battery is rechargeable, I do it every few days and that new updates can be downloaded to the pump so it can be updated and kept current eg a link to te Dexcom 7 is being rolled out.

Good luck with your choice. Can you have a look at available pumps at your clinic before making a choice?
Hi, yes nighttime lows have been a worry and a nuisance in spite of lots of tweaking, so I would really appreciate that feature. My lifestyle is a bit erratic too, so hopefully would help that too. I’m just researching at the mo and my DSN will go through the different pumps during our next phonecall. It will be strange going from a pump with no external tubing, but think it’s worth it for the loop system. Thanks, that’s been helpful.
Hi, yes nighttime lows have been a worry and a nuisance in spite of lots of tweaking, so I would really appreciate that feature. My lifestyle is a bit erratic too, so hopefully would help that too. I’m just researching at the mo and my DSN will go through the different pumps during our next phonecall. It will be strange going from a pump with no external tubing, but think it’s worth it for the loop system. Thanks, that’s been helpful.
Like @Flower I have found the closed loop has flattened things out at night and improved things beyond measure. You do still need to do some work whatever system you choose. I use the Medtronic 780 with their sensor Guardian 4. I think that this has slightly less work to do, but then does not have the flexibility of selecting which basal profile to base your automated system on. Pros and cons with all systems, and it is a case of finding what suits you. I am amazed that I am now in my last year of this pump so starting to think about the next one. Time passes quickly.
Like @Flower the overnight performance of tSlim has been a revelation. Even on MM640G with sensors and predictive low glucose suspend I would be woken far more often to intervene.

These days I just expect to wake to a flat line in between 5.5 and 7.

It’s not quite so early to act in terms of hypo-prevention in the day as the medtronic was - so I have to have more alerts set which is a bit of a drag. But I’ve never had better results.
I got quite annoyed the other day having automatically received the regular 'News Update' from DUK and clicking on the email link to what DUK say about closed loop as he impression was that this should newly excite readers, thinking, 'Oh, great, so what's changed?' and nowt has. Tells me nothing different at all, merely that it might be available some unspecified time in the future and if I'm interested to be sure to discuss it with my D clinic professionals. Next routine appt not until 24th April so I'll have to ring clinic before that and tell the receptionist I would very much like to discuss closed loop with whoever it might happen to be that has the relevant current info 'for ME' specifically. Like 'when' and 'what choices' ......
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